Saturday, February 11, 2012

In with the New

Question: Hey, why aren't you posting your new pantheons on the "pantheons" section of the site? it would make them a lot easier to reference them and appreciate their awesomeness.

Aww, I'm glad you like them enough to want to see them sprawling around on the website with all the others!

The new pantheons haven't quite made it to the website proper for a variety of reasons. The most pressing is just time and work; building fiddly things like family trees takes a lot of hours, and the new pantheons aren't high on our priority list since we probably aren't going to be starting a new game right now and thus don't need to worry about them being available for character creation. (I guess one of our PCs could kick the bucket - it's always possible - but we do try to keep them alive whenever reasonable.) I'd love to eventually have them all up there, but since they're mostly for our ST reference at the moment, things like pantheon and purview overhauls still have priority.

I also feel kind of weird putting them up - I know a lot of new players stumble across us and use us as a reference site, so it always feels a bit like false advertising since the Anunna, Elohim and Bogovi are not actually part of the Scion line proper. But then again, they probably should be (in our entirely humble opinions, of course), and this site is for our use, too, so that's a pretty minor quibble.

But all those objections aside, you asked at a fortuitous time, anonymous queryer... because Babylon ahoy. Enjoy!

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