Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Supplementing the Mythical Diet

Question: Who designs those fan pantheons in the download section? Can we expect a lot more where they came from?

That would be me (with heavy consultation from John and our good friend Stephen, of course). I am a ridiculously huge nerd for mythology and am prone to trolling university libraries for reading material on things like the Orphic cults or mycolatric practices in Mesoamerica. And when I happen to read a lot about a specific culture, particularly one with a vibrant mythology, I always want to bring that to Scion's table, because the richer and more vibrant the world, the more options and fun available to everyone in it.

I wasn't originally planning on doing much with them, to be honest; they were there for ST reference and I did even send them in to ye olde White Wolf, though they're inundated with submissions and I don't expect to hear back. But I also like sharing, so eventually I was like, "Hey, these could be fun for somebody other than me if they didn't live exclusively on my hard drive," so I slapped together PDFs and put them up, and I'm glad you're enjoying them. In fact, it's pretty awesome that someone's enjoying them - they've fulfilled their mission in life as game supplements, even without being published! That's pretty cool!

You can reasonably expect at least some more where they came from; there are a few cultures I have in mind with particularly rad gods, stories and customs that I think Scion sorely needs to be a complete, global game about mythology. I'm not sure of your definition of a lot more - I am trying to keep it reasonable in terms of which cultures get the star treatment, mostly because I recognize that there are cultures with such slim myths or heirarchies that just don't fit into Scion's worldview very well that it'd be hard to do everybody (not to mention probably time-consuming!). Most of the world doesn't share my strange obsession with Hittite bee-goddesses, and I need to accept that and move on.

But yes, I can think of at least two, maybe three cultures I'm very jazzed about someday having a supplement for, even if it's just for our use over here at JSR. I would note that they usually take at least a couple of months to research and write, more if it's a subject I'm not totally familiar with, so I wouldn't check back daily, but barring me being hit by a train there should be at least a few more in the future.

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