Friday, February 24, 2012

Mother's Day

Question: What's going on with the PCs' children? Are they mortal or Scions, or full gods? Do they live on earth or in the gods homes in the overworld? And what about Goze's mother? The last I heard she was still alive.

Our PCs are a reproductively prolific bunch, but this does not necessarily make them very responsible; about half of them don't even know where their kids are, and some have children they don't even know about thanks to a habit of knocking up mortal women and then wandering off long before anything had a chance to show.

The vast majority of the PCs' children are just mortals. Since they were born when the Scions in question were mere Heroes and Demigods, they are mostly growing up as mortals, though since their parents tend to take measures to safeguard them, few are living quite "normal" lives. Most of Marcus' many abandoned children fall under this category, as well as Sangria and Geoff's twins Dyre and Yolotli, Vivian's son John Jr. and Woody's son Atka. These children could become Scions if their now-godly parents decided to grant them a Visitation, but so far most of them have elected not to; as brand new gods, they're run off their feet with things to do and don't have much time or energy left over to spare on dealing with Scions of their own, and in any case some of them would rather not give their children Legend ratings and start attracting monsters and disasters in their direction right now. The childrens' grandparents could also grant them a Visitation since they're only one generation removed - the Baron could easily roll in and claim John Jr., for example - but it seems likely that most of the PCs would be pretty upset by such an eventuality, especially if their permission wasn't asked first.

A few kids were never human to begin with; our PCs also have a bad habit of sometimes canoodling with Titans, which results in such little hellions as Goze's son with Birragnooloo, Seamus' son with the Winter Queen, Marcus' son Bacardi, and Sangria's disturbing Chicahua. These are always problem children and every parent deals with them differently; Sophia abandoned hers completely, which will no doubt come back to cause her problems later, while Goze set up a trust fund for his and fled and Bacardi and his mother have not been seen since Marcus sent them off to find Matthias in the New World. Titanspawn children are fun from an ST perspective, as they're often very precocious, develop unexpected powers now and then, and usually have at least one Dark Virtue making it difficult for them to avoid causing their parents headaches. They also can't be converted into Scions since they already have a Legend rating, so they're likely to turn up later as pawns, antagonists or allies in later stories. Chicahua is the only exception, as he was actually bound to Eztli as a Follower when she hit apotheosis, which does not improve his temperament any but at least makes controlling him marginally easier.

The PCs have not had any children who are full gods... yet, but Terminus' wife is expecting twins, and given his family history, I fully expect them to be a barrel of excitement from day one. God-babies are often a huge pain in the ass, especially since they come at a default of Legend 9 (see Hermes, Ganesha, Huitzilopochtli) from birth, so several PCs are actually relying on their Avatar forms to make sure that any future children are more manageable Scions instead of full-blown troublemaking gods.

As for Claire, Goze's mother, you're right - last we saw in his backstory, she was still alive. Several PCs' mothers are still alive (as far as we know at the moment, anyway), in fact; Sophia's adoptive parents, Kettila's parents, Alison and Colin's mother, Vivian's mother... but do their kids ever write? What, Fimbulwinter is too busy for you to call your mother?

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