Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Enable the Workaholics

Hey, there, everybody!

We've been getting a ton of questions from you guys (which is awesome, keep them coming!), but we've noticed a distinct trend of about a third of them being composed of "When are you going to do X/Y/Z and put it up on the website?" Rather than trying to answer all of these individually and unsatisfyingly ("Um... soon? I hope?"), we thought instead we'd get you involved. Because you fine players are, after all, the people who love this game as much as we do.

So, over to the right where my polls about who loves what gods the most usually live, you'll now find a shiny new poll about what you'd most like to see make its way to the website first. Since we're about as good at getting things done as the Celestial Bureaucracy (a little less organization, a little more yelling), we could use some focus, and this way you'll not only get a voice in our private Scion government, but also be able to see at a glance what's next up and how close it is to completion. Also, everyone likes clicking on radio buttons, so it's a clear win all around.

The categories we've gotten the most requests for lately are:

Pre-Made Adventures or Modules: These would be pre-made adventures (probably some of them based on our own PCs' shenanigans) for use in running your own games.
Birthright and/or Relic Examples: We've seen quite a few requests for Birthrights and Relics statted up and available for quick use for NPCs or those creating new characters.
New and/or Updated All-Purpose Boons: We all love shiny new powers. Us most of all. We're totally with you.
Retooled Associated Powers: We've been slowly crawling our way through these lately, but there are still a few to be finished (the Amatsukami, Aztlanti and Celestial Bureaucracy still haven't made it through processing).
Antagonist Stats and Profiles: Sort of like a bestiary of quickly-usable antagonists, bad guys and beasties to throw at your PCs, without the fear of them being either invincible soak monsters or pathetic pushovers (like certain monsters in certain books).
Updated Fatebond System: It's a mess and we know it, but we promise someday it won't be.
Updated Pantheon-Specific Purviews: Taiyi and Tsukumo-Gami are long overdue for some lovin' and several other PSPs need a little fine-tuning.
New Game Settings: Scion is a game you can run in a bunch of different worlds, times and settings, and we've seen a few people ask for downloadable advice on how to do it.
Titan Profiles: Those pesky ultimate evils are in sore need of a presence on this site, if only to marvel at their horrors.
The Super Loa Overhaul: They need one. We will do it anyway, but if you guys need it as much as we do, feel free to let us know.

You'll note that new pantheons are not on that list; that's because there's almost always a new pantheon in development, so there's no need to prioritize it over anything else. Similarly, we're always in the process of trying to crank more fiction out, so it doesn't appear there; trust me, on any given day I'm probably already flailing at a keyboard or looking at my stack of notes in Sisyphean despair.

So if you have a second, let us know what you'd like to see; we're always working on projects, but aside from focusing on things we need for our players right now, we're happy to help out the Scion community as a whole, too. Get descriptive with more details in the comments if you want, or just assume we'll do whatever we want with your vote and enjoy the surprise.

And if you're one of our players, your votes count as, like eighty, so let us know at game if you have specifics.


  1. So many lovely things ot choose and only one vote.
    I like the idea of pre-made adventures for the times when my PC's demand a session and I'm too busy working/playing Skyrim to sit down and write one out...

  2. Im very confused because premade adventures still has zero votes

  3. Ahh my bad - I was paralysed by indecision - I have cast my vote now
