Monday, February 27, 2012

El Arte Azteca

Question: Why aren't there pictures for all the Aztlanti?
Question: For the Aztlanti, in the family tree page, there are other pictures, for example Itzpapalotl, the picture in the square is a girl with red, I think she's wearing a red flower. Also for Quetzalpetlatl, can you tell me where I can find those pictures.

I stuck these two together because they came in rapid-fire one after the other, and I'm pretty sure they're from the same person. My apologies if they aren't.

Like all the other pantheons on the site, the Aztlanti only have a full-page writeup and large picture for their playable gods; folks like Quetzalpetlatl, who is a fairly minor figure, and Itzpapalotl, who is a Titan, don't have their own pages at the moment.

However, if you'd like to see the full-sized art that lent its face to those two, Itzpapalotl is from the painting Mask by the very talented Lappisch, and the image of Quetzalpetlatl is by the amazing Jesus Garcia Lopez, whose Aztec gallery has a lot of cool stuff in it (but be careful - it's not all work-safe!).

Ironically, the Lopez painting is actually of Itzpapalotl, too, but Quetzalpetlatl is such a minor character that we couldn't find any artwork of her, so the Obsidian Butterfly is pinch-hitting in two places on our family tree.

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