Thursday, March 6, 2014

Second Noble Son

Question: Can you think of any associations Tsukuyomi deserves to have beside Moon?

Poor Tsukuyomi. Not only is he sort of stuck out in the cold away from the rest of the pantheon (literally, and permanently), but he also doesn't get very many stories or myths to give him associations, thanks to the fact that he's persona non grata with his ruler/sister/wife and therefore not allowed to do things anymore. That's what he gets for getting himself voted off the island.

Moon, at least, is easy; as Amaterasu is the face of the sun, so her brother Tsukuyomi is the face of the moon. Past that point, we have to get a little more creative if we want him to have any associations, but there are a few we would probably accept. We're actually tentatively cool with him having Darkness; his role as given to him by Izanagi is described in Japanese texts as the ruler of not just the moon but also the night in general, as opposed to Amaterasu as ruler of the day, which would therefore naturally lend itself to giving him the purview of night's darkness and silence. The Nihon Shoki also claims that Izanagi entrusted the sky as a joint domain to both Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, but since neither of them does much with sky-like powers or symbols, I'm not sure if we should give them both that association; the line may just mean in a symbolic sense, since the sun and moon are themselves in the sky. There are also some sketchy scholarly interpolations based on the myth of him killing Uke Mochi, including the idea that perhaps he did so because he was a rival agricultural deity, backed up by the fact that the lunar calendar was used in ancient Japan to calculate harvest and fertility times, that could point toward Fertility, although it's not very firm.

Perhaps my favorite possibility is also from the Nihon Shoki, in which it is mentioned that mortal priest-oracles received an oracular revelation from Tsukuyomi indicating that they should support granting some land to Takamimusubi. Not only is this myth a barrel of fun if you pursue the idea that Takamimusubi is Amaterasu's replacement consort after Tsukuyomi leaves (does he know? is he accidentally supporting his ex-wife's new lover without realizing it? is he supporting him because he's with Amaterasu now and he wants to help take care of her even though she banished him? is this a soap opera?), but it also opens a door that points toward Tsukuyomi being one of those rare Japanese Prophecy or Mystery gods, granting wisdom via moonlight to his constituents. Unfortunately, there's no second myth to go with this first one, but it's still some food for thought.

We haven't restatted the Japanese gods yet, so unfortunately for Tsukuyomi, he remains a mess until we do. But there are a few purview possibilities to pursue for him, if no strong Attribute ones (Charisma for "ruling the night"? What's the "throwing a huge tantrum" Attribute?), so that's something to start on!


  1. Should he even be Legend 12? He does not appear in myth much, and he shows very few associations, which do not reflect well on him.

    1. Don't know, we haven't put in the work on them yet. :) But I suspect he may dip lower than 12 - he's very important contextually as one of the three august siblings and rulers of heaven, but he doesn't actually do a lot thanks to getting kicked out by his sister.

  2. I actually kinda liked Tsuki-yomi having Psychopomp as an associated power, but that was less because of mythical appropriateness and more because my Scion of his got to godhood by abusing the ever-living hell out of it.

    In the interests of thematic appropriateness, would the "lord of the night" thing be enough to justify Stars as an association? It seems less flimsy a justification than Psychopomp had....
