Monday, March 31, 2014

Scion AMA: Gangs of New York, Mark I

It's time for some AMA questions again, this time from the most infamous group of all: Michael Chambers, a.k.a. The Great Terrorist, and his band of cronies. New York has never been the same. This set is mostly dudes since most of the ladies are still working on their questions, but never fear, there will be more borderline internationally illegal incidents to come later.


What exactly are you trying to accomplish in your life?

Accomplish? You make it all sound so rigid, you have to be more flexible with your life or you'll never be happy. Now I'll be the first to admit that New York was a disaster, a mixture of people not suited to save anyone, let alone themselves, at the helm of that train-wreck? No thank you.

Personally I am just happy to get out of that hell, move on, and find something new and exciting, preferably with less armed forces. Some R&R first is certainly a must, I hear that the Caribbean resorts are fantastic this time of year. Maybe I'll meet some nice young conservative newly weds and teach them how to really love each other to the fullest.


If you could have done one thing differently?

If I could only go back and get rid of all the cops, things would've gone a lot smoother for us in our investigation. They're dumb as bricks and messing with shit way above their paygrade. A couple bullets in them is a mercy, really — it puts them in a hospital bed where they can't fuck anyone else's job up. Besides, big fancy cops like them, they probably get worker's comp or something. The ones that die? Trust me, they're better off in the end. I've talked with their spirits, you know, and they seem a lot safer where they are now. It's for the best, really.


So is it REALLY all Michael's fault, or are you somewhat to blame?

Well, that's an interesting question. Let me turn that back at you in a way that puts you in my shoes.

Let's say you were to walk into a store. Let's call that store Build-A-Bear workshop. Now as you browse their products, you come to notice a fine looking gent with a lovely lady on his arm who looks surprisingly familiar. That's the gent you've seen on the news, in the tabloids, etc. What's that he said? He's here to drop off a charitable donation? AND he's paying for all the smiling faces in the store to have the bear of their dreams? What a guy! Hmm, the crowd seems to be getting a bit rowdy... Wait a minute, why is there a nude man outside grinding at the store front's entrance? Sure, he seems to have grabbed people's attention as the children cry and their parents rush out the door.... without their children....

Does that man outside represent anything you would be proud of? Did things like that continue until you couldn't bear it any more and your name was dragged through the sludge, and your accounts were drained? Did you barely get out with your life? The answers to all of those questions (in my case) proceed in this order. No, Yes, and Yes. Nothing would make me happier than never being associated with Michael Chambers ever again. I did everything within my power to right the situation. Unfortunately he just seemed to hold more sway over the others. If that makes it my fault, so be it.


What was going through your head when you were trying to bandage Alan and he was dying?

My Medical Training.

So, you and Alan, eh?

You seem to insinuate a romantic relationship between us. First, he's a happily married man. Second, I'm not interested in a romantic relationship with anyone currently. With everything going on, who has time for it? Thirdly, I'm not sexually interested in men. Sorry to disappoint...


So, you and Simon, eh?

Simon, y'say? Life or destiny or whate'er you want to call it pushed us—all of us—together back then. Simon was the best of us – the lad never thought twice about skinning his own knees to help you. Out there on the battlefield it's not just a struggle to survive—there's that though, believe me—but you're fighting to hold onto yerself too...what makes you human. I've seen people like us kill like it weren't anything to them. Simon...well he made you feel human—he reminded you of what it was you were fightin' for. In the end, the damned fool gave everything to save us—so that you and I could survive...but I can't help but wonder who's gonna keep us human now without Simon around to laugh at our jokes or give us that look like we were about to do somethin' foolish. The lad could mend a wound better than any doctor, he could...but I think some cuts are too deep to ever heal.


Since you're probably a wanted criminal, what are your plans for the future?

Hey, I’m assuming that you’re talking about my unfortunate meeting with Michael thing. As my family’s lawyers have said, it is a complete misunderstanding. My name is in the clear on this. I met him at my New Year’s party, he’s shown up at a few of my parties, dude gets around. But, my family’s lawyers have advised that I not talk further on that. After the Opera and the making sure Geoffrey got back to his mom, I decided to head to Europe. I've been keeping a pretty low profile, I mean I’m still going out and stuff. But I’ve been focusing on figuring out what really matters, I mean there’s got to be more to life than just parties right? Sorry, getting a little deep there. Not really sure what’s next, I hope that I can get things figured out soon. I think that I can do some good.

I've heard about your awesome party services. When can we expect your next big bash?!

I wish I could help you out, but I’m out of the party scene for a while. With everything that happened with Geoffrey it’s been hard to think about parties. I’m trying to be a bit more responsible, it’s really hard to keep things from getting out of hand lately, and the last thing I want is for people to get hurt. With the news coming out of New York, it’s looking like there’s not going to be a good party for a while.


You kinda have to admit, when Michael is a lady she/he is pretty hot, right?

Seriously? That’s fucked up. Sure, fine he’s hot when he’s a she or whatever. Is that what you wanted? Would I fuck her, no fucking chance. He, she, or whatever, walked into the first fight where I was going to win actual money, and suddenly my life is fucked.


Jaguar or Mercedes?

Why choose when you can have both?

I've heard that some of the players will be lurking around, so feel free to continue the fun in the comments. Until next time!


  1. Michael really does take after his mama, doesn't he?

    1. In the some inept of ways, sure.

      One thing to realize about Michael is he rarely causes the damage or chaos himself, he is no where near powerful or structured to pull off that level of horrible intentionally. But his mere presence seems to bring out the potential for extremes to occur for better or more likely, worse.

    2. Most inept* the failure streak continues!

    3. Like Ishtar, Michael doesn't do chaos; he is chaos.

  2. I love how in response to the same question, Alan waxes poetic over Simon, his good characters, and how life isn't the same without him, and Simon's just saying "no homo" in not as many words.

    1. And that's a pretty beautiful description of their weird romance.
