Thursday, October 10, 2013

Prehistoric Preferences

Question: If you and Anne had to pick one dinosaur for the Animal purview for one of your characters, which would you pick?

Is this a hypothetical character? I don't know if dinosaurs are really compatible with most of our current kids!

I would probably choose a sauropod, something monolithic - a titanosaur to compete with the Titans, am I right? I would enjoy using Animal (Argentinosaurus) to turn into something too big to care about everyone else's little problems.

John says he would enjoy building a Scion with Animal (Velociraptor), the better to become the sneaky and terrifying scourge of the modern-day world. He will eat everyone.

You didn't ask about him, but Geoff's player Mat was here when this question came up, and he said he would buy Animal (Pterodactyl). Of course pterodactyls aren't actually dinosaurs, but we can probably forgive him his enthusiasm for flying lizard monsters.


  1. Me personally, some kind of tyranosaur other than the big guy. Big ass bite but I don't want to give any of the L12 king gods thoughts that I'm looking to usurp their place.

    1. Now that I think about it, would Animal (Tyrannosaur) be an okay use of the Animal purview? Tyrannosaurs, to the best of my knowledge, had the same basic body shape and build, but merely differed in size, time in which they lived, and where in the northern hemisphere they resided in. I do remember that they only lived in the northern hemisphere but outside of the Arctic Circle. The southern hemisphere belonged to the abelisaurs, and the Arctic Circle was ruled by a super-sized species of Troodon...I like dinosaurs so sue me.

  2. I'd personally take Animal (Ankylosaurus). Heavy armor AND a massive club tail? What's not to love?!

    Or if I wanted to trade armor for power, Kentrosaurus. It's like a Stegosaurus, except that instead of flat plates their backs have MORE SPIKES.

    ...And this makes me wonder if Animal (Crocodile) would cover such awesomeness as Deinosuchus

  3. Two words: Typhonian. Argentinosaur.

  4. Dresden File's Death + animal (T-rex) purview.
