Sunday, November 18, 2012

Anything But Extras

Question: I you made a movie series out of your entire Scion cycle (from Hero to God), how many films would it take? And who would you cast as some of the major NPCs (such as the Tezcat rapper whose name I forget)?

Poor Jay. Notoriety is so fleeting.

Honestly, I have no idea how many movies our Scion cycle would take, but the answer is probably too many. It's been running for years and is still running now; the journeys of our hapless characters did not culminate at their apotheosis into gods, as the weary, reluctant crew making a bad attempt to sneak through the Drowned Road right now can attest. It's a long, hard road with a lot of major characters doing a lot of major things; it would definitely be too much to pack even into a trilogy, and would probably be better served in a series format (the most high-budget, special-effects awesome series in existence, of course)!

As far as casting goes, we "cast" some of the major PCs in this post, though in reality we'd probably heavily consider awesome unknowns. But in the spirit of fun, here are three NPC casting choices:

Matt Bomer as Colin Margaritas

Monica Bellucci as Alison Margaritas

Pit Bull (on a heavy workout regimen, according to John) as Jay Ortiz

Them Margaritas kids. They just have trouble stamped all over their faces.


  1. Roy (Previously Known as Jacob)November 18, 2012 at 6:45 PM

    I think that it might work out well as a HBO type series (ala. Game of Thrones).

    1. Agreed! It's a long story with a lot of characters, so a serial format might suit it really well.
