Monday, June 18, 2012

Your Move, John

Question: When you'll be making Turkic&Mongolian deity update? We love your work, best regards from Turkey :)

Aww, this submission made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Thanks, guys - it's super awesome to know that folks from all the way out in Turkey are looking at this site - we're waving at you from the USA right now!

I do not keep it a secret that I love Hittite mythology, which is native to Turkey, and I would love to do a pantheon for it! Gods like Teshub, Hannahannah and Arinna have great stories that most of us out west here have never heard of, and they connect to other pantheons in fun and surprising ways (Sutekh, who so heavily influenced Egypt's Set, is a Hittite deity, and the story of Kumarbi castrating his father to rule is directly related to the story of Uranus and Cronus). So far I've had to wait since there are more well-known pantheons that the players would like to see soon, but I hope one day I can spend some time on these guys!

The Turkic/Mongolian deities are a lot more influenced by Mongolian tribal religion, but they're also very cool, from Tengri right on down to Erlik Khan. I hope to do them someday soon, too - I think that they might have a shot at being voted in eventually, since I think people here are more interested in them.

I'm looking forward to getting to one day play with these pantheons! Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone!


  1. One of their gods is named hannahhannah? Come on...we can never do them.

    1. She's awesome. She solves all her problems with bees.

    2. So she would solve a bee problem with... more bees?

    3. But you can never have too many bees. What else are you supposed to use to find your missing deities? Ariadne's Thread is just silly. I want a magical bee. It would solve so many problems.

    4. Yes. You can always solve the problem with bees, even if the problem is also bees.

      Because Hannahannah is the bees' knees.

      Eh? Anybody?
