Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Three Times Great

Question: Do you think Thoth and Hermes get along? I mean, they were syncretized as Hermes Trismegistus, so I'm wondering if they bonded over that or not. It seems to me without that syncretism they wouldn't get along too well (they seem to have such different personalities to me). Do they ever hang out, and what would they do if they did?

I doubt they're actively upset with each other, but they probably aren't drinking buddies, either.

Greek and Egyptian gods were being syncretized pretty rampantly by the time of the New Kingdom. It's not really surprising; the Greeks (and Romans, who continue the trend) had a long history of just claiming that all other cultures were worshiping the same gods they were but under different names, while the Egyptian religion had elevated syncretism of various deities to a complex art form. Thoth's appellation Hermes Trismegistus ("three times great Hermes", which is one of my favorite godly epithets, because it's basically calling him Triple Slam Dunk Hermes) is one of the more famous syncretisms, but it's certainly not the only one - Aphrodite and Hathor were also strongly associated with one another as goddesses of sex and beauty, Zeus and Amun-Ra were considered to be the same by virtue of both being the preeminent authority over the other gods, and Isis and Hera were fused so thoroughly that temples to Isis turned up in Greece and Rome for quite some time despite the foreign trappings of the cult. Add in the ancient rivalry between the two cultures, each trying to assert that it had the largest dick in the Mediterranean area on and off for a few thousand years, and you have a potent hotbed of godly arguments, competitions and plot hooks.

But you're right, Hermes and Thoth are vastly different in temperament; Thoth is a traditionally wise figure concerned with creating and preserving order and knowledge, while Hermes is a trickster who delights in irritating those more stately than himself and performing sneakery and debauchery. Thoth is probably not wild about having been thought of as Hermes for a while, since he probably thinks of the other god as an embarrassingly childish mischief-maker; Hermes probably finds it pretty hilarious, since Thoth is more likely to look like a fussy old stuffed shirt to him. They probably irritate one another, which is of course a great spawning ground for any number of plots. But then again, they're both magicians extraordinaire with more than a passing knowledge of Fate and how to manipulate it, so it's also entirely possible that they sometimes work together (or, alternatively, unceasingly foil one another).

As far as our games go, the PCs haven't been able to find or get in touch with Thoth in any way, which has some of them wondering what's up with him, but Hermes at one point turned up and bestowed a very powerful relic he called the Was of Thoth on his kid. When his Scion was somewhat hesitant about accepting what might be a stolen relic, Hermes declared flippantly that it belonged to "Hermes" and therefore belonged to him, and then went his merry way.

Thoth has not appeared to comment on the was, either, but poor Terminus is keeping a weather eye out for him just in case something fishy is going on here.

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