Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Luck of the Devil

Question: Have you given any thoughts to Chaos boons meant to aid in gambling?

We have, but eventually decided that they would be superfluous. The Chaos purview, while it does have exceptions like Unlikely Pattern, is generally more about releasing and fomenting chaos, not forcing it to fall into ordered patterns. If you can control the outcome of something, it's not actually chaos at all, which is why we allow most Chaos boons to also affect their originator unless they have the presence of mind to pop Eye of the Storm first. We try to avoid introducing Chaos boons that specifically create predictable results instead of chaotic ones. A die roll, pachinko ball or roulette spin are all events ruled by general chaotic chance, but it wouldn't be very chaotic to use your Chaos powers to make them not chaotic anymore

So we've kept our gambling boon, Luck be a Lady, over in Magic, instead, which is the purview governing luck, fortune and messing with the outcome of the whims of Fate. It's low-level, so aspiring Chaos-gods who want to be associated with gambling can easily pick it up without having to also be magicians (though having both Chaos and Magic is a killer combination - just ask Loki or Tezcatlipoca!).

That's not to say that Chaos boons can't affect gambling very effectively, even if they aren't an instant I-Win button for the chaos-god using them. Murphy's Law will certainly start an epidemic of everyone losing in the casino (even the house!) as well as a general amount of things falling apart, Impassion might be used by the unscrupulous to encourage gamblers to wager much more than they normally should, and Sabot and System Failure could malfunction every slot machine near them (not to mention destroying any mechanical cheating devices a gambler or casino might be employing). Once you've got a few dots of Legend under your belt, mortal gambling is kind of child's play, anyway; someone with decent Epic Dexterity and/or Wits could probably roll dice so that they always land exactly as they want anyway, and so on and so forth.

There's definitely some conceptual overlap between luck and chaos - the first is really just the best possible outcome of the second in most cases, so it's easy to play with the interaction between the two. In the specific case of gambling, we think controlling its outcome belongs more to the former than the latter.

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