Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Anarchist Godbook

Question: Who is the most world-destroying, shit-wrecking, I kill you just to watch you die fear me Legend 12 god of every pantheon, and who is the worst of them all out of all the pantheons?

Ooh, one of the classics, second only to the Which God Would Win in a Fight question! It's very subjective, but opinions are fun. Let's opinionate away!

I'm going to assume that Titan Avatars don't count, since otherwise they just always win.

The Aesir: There really isn't a god that fits your bill among the Aesir; none of the juggernaut world-wreckers are inclined to do it just for fun, and the guys who like pranking the universe for fun aren't particularly good at being juggernaut world-wreckers. The closest possibility is probably Thor, who is very good at accidentally trying to destroy important things (get off the goddamn rainbow bridge and stop poking the Midgard serpent!) and has something of a temper control problem. He's still generally too benevolent for your description, though.

The Amatsukami: Susano-o, obviously. Wrecking things like the biggest cosmic douchebag is his career of choice, and he also has a history of murdering (or attempting to murder) people without much of a justification. It's not that he doesn't try to sometimes be useful... but he really doesn't succeed much.

The Anunna: I wanted to say Nergal, times a zillion. Remember that one time he just started ceaseless wars across the entire planet, and then refused to apologize because obviously everyone should have known he was going to do that? But I think his psychotic brother Ninurta might be almost as bad, being a super badass with a reputation for blowing up everyone and everything in order to win and not giving even the tiniest damn about destroying the entire landscape as long as he gets to kill whatever he's trying to kill. I can't choose between them. They are the Destructo Brothers.

The Aztlanti: It sometimes feels like everybody among the Aztlanti has blown up the world at least once, but Tezcatlipoca continues to be the reigning king of Bad Idea Bears, with a penchant for destroying the entire world when he gets pissy or is, like, bored that day. He's not nearly as much of a murder machine as Huitzilopochtli, who could cheerfully murder a thousand dudes with their intestines and not experience even a shred of remorse, but in terms of sheer fucking things up scale, I think he still comes out ahead.

The Bogovi: Like the Aesir, the Bogovi really have no gods with much of an interest in ruining everything for everybody; there are a few with personal vendettas against one another and a few others who occasionally make semi-disastrous mistakes, but on the whole they're too strongly attached to the idea of harmony to go about destorying it that thoroughly.

The Celestial Bureaucracy: Everyone's favorite pantheon superstar, Sun Wukong, is the obvious choice here; he does indeed wreck shit, destroy things and occasionally kill people just because he feels like it. He's a little better now, what with all that Buddhism and meditation calming him down as well as general grudging membership among the gods, but I doubt anyone in his pantheon trusts him not to go off the rails again at a moment's notice.

The Devas: When there is a dude called the Destroyer in your pantheon, he seems like he's probably the best bet, but it's not Shiva that needs the most worry directed his way; it's Kali. She is a force of insane nature directed outward at destroying anything and everything that she comes into contact with. Shiva's actually the responsible one in that relationship, which should probably terrify everyone.

The Dodekatheon: The obvious answer here is correct, however: Ares, as the personification of ravening berserker bloodlust and wartime savagery, is not boasting any restraint or critical thinking that might prevent him from leveling everyone and everything in his area if nobody stops him. In fact, it's really just the facts that he spends half his time at Aphrodite's place and that he's not very bright that keep him from blowing things up more thoroughly.

The Elohim: Oh, jeez, can I vote for all of them? The Elohim are one of the bloodiest pantheons by far, but the prize probably goes to Anat, who is said to wade in and ingest the remains of the hordes of her slain enemies and who not only murders people (with no regard for the cosmic order that needs them alive!) but also indulges in vengeance-fueled corpse mutilation. Also, Carthage.

The Loa: I don't think these guys technically have a real world-destroyer on their hands, either, but their next best thing is definitely Shango, a dude who is fully willing to murder anyone and everyone around him with axes for such sins as trying too hard to please him or being too good at their jobs. (And that's the guy who's in charge of the whole pantheon. Good job, Loa!) He ultimately preserves order (as long as its under his control), however, so he really doesn't fit your criteria fully.

The Nemetondevos: There's really no such god among the Nemetondevos, either; hot tempers and bad moods abound, sure, but nobody's much of a murder-for-fun or world-destruction-hobby type of a person among the continental Celts.

The Pesedjet: Egypt gives us the unrestrainable Sekhmet, a bloodbath-begetter so nuts that she almost cleared the entire planet's population and could only be distracted by the promise of blood to guzzle before she was gotten under control. The Pesedjet (specifically Ptah) keep her on a magical super-relic leash these days to prevent that sort of thing from happening again. Sowiljr saw her let off the leash once in a Titanrealm. He hopes never to see it again.

The Tuatha de Danann: There's no competing with the carrion crow-goddess and her penchant for destructive violence and complete inability to give a fuck about it. The Morrigan just wants to watch the world burn.

The Yazata: The Persian gods are pretty much the antithesis of destruction and chaos, so none of them are close to fitting the description. They would tell you righteously that anyone who does is clearly an agent of the daevas and should probably be put down. There's a reason they don't hang out with anyone else on this list.

It's a very good thing that most gods are about preserving the world instead of blowing it up (after all, that's what Titans are for). If there were a lot more than these guys, things would become unmanageable very quickly.


  1. These answers amuse me, especially Sekhmet and The Morrigan. In the main game I'm in, my PC is a Son of The Morrigan (He's the one with that crazy raven tattoo relic!) and another one of the PC Scions is a Daughter of Sekhmet.

    Needless to say, destructive hilarity ensues.

    One time, they were in a nightclub owned by Loki that was filled with einherjar and Baysan (Sekhmet's daughter) was tricked by Loki and got drunk off one of his 'special brews'. The next day, she tried to drink some more but Sekhmet appeared and basically threatened to beat her to death with her own intestine if she ever drank again. That was loads of fun.

    Another time The Morrigan ripped off the faces of two people who insulted her son. She also made the Daughter of Brigid and the Daughter of Sekhmet vomit when she met them in her Watcher at the Fords guise.

    It's fun.

    1. The Morrigan pretty much just abuses Scions when she happens to be around in our games. Even her own son, when she had one in play. She's so unpleasant.

      Your game sounds awesomely hilarious. We have some Scions of Sekhmet waiting in the wings for a later date, and I hope they make at least as big a mess!

  2. Honorable mention should probably go to Vayu in the Yazata who had no real issue with strangling a man and all the nearby gods just to prove his superiority. I don't think he would feel bad about doing the same thing again, if his authority was ever challenged.

    1. Oh, that's true. Like all Devas, Vayu's usually pretty chill, but that whole "I can kill all of you with my mind, look" thing was extremely sociopathic.

      Actually, that gives the Yazata a horse in this race, since Scion treats Vayu as one of the Persian gods.

  3. I'd like to toss out Chernobog and Nirrti as people who just like to ruin everyone's day. Chernobog hasn't got much left in terms of Legends, but what has been reconstructed suggests he may have been just the God Of Being Not Nice. Nirrti is so feared that people don't worship her, they just ask her to leave them the hell alone.

  4. so who is the worst out of all the pantheons?

    1. As much as I would love to say Nergal or Tezcatlipoca, at least the two of them can be reasoned with or bargained with. Kali just shows up and starts blowing up the world on a fairly regular basis, and the only thing that has ever stopped her is not wanting to murder her husband.

      Worse is the fact that it is just impulsive for her. Wherever she gods, she basically cannot help but start obliterating everything.

    2. Yeah, I agree with James - I think it might be Kali (with Sekhmet a close runner-up). Everybody else can be reasoned with at least a little, or distracted with something else they want, or what have you, but none of that works on Kali. Wherever she goes, things are demolished, and there's no stopping or arguing with her. She's a force of destruction, which makes sense given her role as Shiva's mate.

  5. I'd like to add some nominations for gods from pantheons south of the Aztlanti, along with my own personal names for the pantheons in parentheses...

    The Maya (K'ul Ahau): The Maya had a god so good at the wrecking up of the shit that White Wolf decided he'd make a good antagonist for an entirely different pantheon. Huracan may have been involved in the creation of the world, but since then he's been much more present as a force of the pure chaos of nature. Chaac is the god of rain, Kukulcan/Gukumatz is the god of wind, but Huracan is the god of *storms*, concerned less with maintaining the order of the skies and more with backhanding the landscape like a misbehaving stepchild.

    The Incas (Ayllu-Apu): Assuming that Pacha Kamaq is a Titan Avatar (not a hard assumption to make), then the closest candidate the Inca pantheon has is a "One of these things is not like the other" twist. Mama Pacha is in many ways, the standard earth mother/fertility and crops kind of goddess, but that's when she's in a good mood and placated by tribute. When she's not... well, she spends most of her days as a dragon, underground, causing earthquakes and destruction. When Mama ain't happy, NOBODY'S happy.

    The Tupi-Guarani (Tupareko): The top Amazonian gods tend to be the kind of bunch who are a bit cruel and trigger happy, but for the purposes of this list, I'm gonna pick Jurupari, their war god. Basically, take a little bit of Huitzilopochtli, a little bit of Ares, and add a huge heaping tablespoon of vast, galloping misogyny.

    1. We've actually been using Pachacamac as a god (albeit a very irritating one a la Susano-o), but his arch-enemy Kon as the Titan Avatar. Considering that they are two peas in a pod, it works out well. Huracan's a great one, too (though I still refuse to give White Wolf any props for shoehorning him in as an Aztec antagonist. No deal!).

      Oh, god, Jurupari. :(

    2. Ah, Okay. If Pachacamac is a god, then Pachacamac is on this list. Oh, man is he on this list.

      And that sadface emoticon doesn't begin to do Jurupari justice
