Friday, June 15, 2012

There Is Too Much to Sum Up

Question: What is the most inventive use of a Boon or Knack that you guys have seen in your games?

That's a really tough question - our players are awesomely creative and I've probably forgotten more of their badass stunts than I remember just because there are so many. A few favorites:

Early in his Demigodhood, Goze, who was heavily invested in Darkness and Psychopomp, made a passionate case for allowing him to use Come Along with Shadow Step to dart into a shadow and out of another one down the block in time to save a falling baby. We thought it was so cool that we made using Come Along with other travel powers a permanent feature of the boon.

At one point, Zwazo Fou Fou, spoiling for a fight, wanted to jump Ares in the woods with Eztli, but Sowiljr had told her not to attack anyone so she refused to get involved. Realizing that Eztli's memory is spotty at best and that she was only able to keep a solid grasp on it because of the extra Academics dice granted by her Astronomer's Eye boon, he used Cloud Sculptor to blot out the stars above them, causing Eztli to forget that she'd been ordered not to engage anyone and charge into battle with him. (Then everyone in the world blew Come Running like fifty times and there was lots of screaming.)

When she found one of the last survivors of a strain of fairy capable of giving impressive curses/blessings (drained a permanent Willpower and levied painful physical negatives, but also gave mad bonuses to Magic), Vala, who knew that her automatic resistance roll was too high for the fairy to overcome, immediately blew all her Prophecy boons at once in an attempt to give herself so many negatives from exhaustion that she couldn't resist the spell despite the fairy's low Legend. (She failed, but not for lack of trying - her band was running away from fire giants at the time and concerned that she seemed to be having multiple strokes, so they hauled her out of there before the fairy could successfully curse her.)

Oh, and there was also a point at which the current king of the slowly-reforming Aztec empire asked Geoff if he could help him find a wife (his exact words were, "You know, someone like Sangria," to which Geoff replied, "I really don't think you actually want that"). There were no unattached Aztec ladies of marriageable age available, and Sophia was tired of wasting time on the whole situation, so she marched off into the village, found a six-year-old girl, slapped Control Aging on her and said, "There, you can marry her in two months when she's legal, can we go now?"

Guys, there are too many, I just can't. If you're out there in comment-land, players, what are some awesomely creative moments I'm forgetting? What were your favorites?


  1. I think one of my favorites is when Goze went to see Raiden and distracted him by starting a dance party. He blew for doppelganger so that he could leave a copy of himself there dancing for days so that we could all sneak into Japan.

    1. Oh, man, yes! I love that one! I think my favorite use of Doppelgaenger ever by anyone.

  2. I think the time in Duat where etzli was being killed by the mummy wrappings and was before terminus had healing. So with his newly found super penetant persona, he used a magic Boon that I don't think we have any more to switch etzli int
    o terminus' body and vice versa so that terminus would take the agg damage that would've killed her ( pre-martyrdom). Terminus survived the attack and then used a bunch of consume shadow to heal her up before switching them back to normal.

    1. Oh, man, yes! Fate and Switch isn't in the game anymore, but that was an awesome moment. Terminus is such an unsung badass sometimes.
