Monday, September 23, 2013

Time Flies

Question: How many in-game years did your Skeins group need to reach godhood? And roughly how many sessions?

It depends on when you start counting from! Vivian, the oldest member of the band in terms of actually being played, started her career as a Scion in the in-game year 2008 with the Land of the Red Sun group; she hit god in 2014, making her Hero and Demigod run about six years long. The first time the whole group (Aurora, Vivian, Kettila, Woody and John) was together, they started in the in-game year 2010, making it about four years to god-level, although they started at Legend 5 then so their run was probably about the same as hers. Woody is of course the exception... because he's older than the dirt on Jord's heel, he spent about 252 years being a pre-god Scion before hitting apotheosis. Now that's dedication.

As for the real-time out-of-game number of game sessions, our players rolled those dice for approximately 110-120 sessions from Legend 5 to Legend 9 (Vivian played about 8 more in Land of the Red Sun, and Woody maybe 6 more in Strawberry Fields). That translated to about three years of real time, playing once per week.

Man, it seems like only yesterday. Now they're arranging god marriages and irritating tricksters and talking old warhorse stories about Ragnarok and what happened after.

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