Saturday, September 14, 2013

There Are Many Plants, but This One is Mine

Question: The Fertility purview, unlike the Animal purview, is rather unspecific in its designations. My question is, how do you deal with specific associations? Do you give bonuses or advantages to gods associated with particular plants, such as Dionysus with the grape vine or Xipe Totec with corn?

First of all, here's an in-depth post on the topic of specialized totem plants in regards to the Fertility purview. You're right; it doesn't have the same kind of narrowed focus Animal does, so gods with particular plants associated with them don't have anything particularly fancy happening within the purview itself.

However, we would assume that most gods who are really and truly tied strongly to something have some kind of relic power that bolsters that association. Dionysus, for example, probably has a relic (perhaps that kantharos he's always carrying around?) that gives him mad bonuses when he uses his Fertility powers on grapes or grape products, enabling him to specialize in his chosen drunken plantlife the same way Zeus probably specializes his Sky boons with powers granted by his relic lightning bolts. Individual Scions can do all kinds of stuff with relics that relate to specific things they want to be associated with, so they might as well extend it to plants if they happen to be gunning to becoming the Gods and Goddesses of holly and ivy or something.

I usually don't put site spoilers on the blog, but since you asked, we're also talking lately about adding a boon to the Fertility purview to help handle the idea of specialized plant totems; I don't know what mechanics it might use yet (or even if we'll end up formally adding it), but it's also definitely something that we'd consider a reasonable approach to representing gods of specific flora or fungi.

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