Friday, September 6, 2013


Question: I stumbled across this site about an hour ago looking for stuff to spark my imagination for Scion characters, and upon entering the blog spotted the poll regarding under-appreciated pantheons. I of course put in my vote and got to thinking. About 6 years ago I went on a 3-week trip to the Eastern coast of Australia (best vacation of my life) and saw a presentation of one aboriginal group's beliefs. Given how each tribe was different, how would you create a pantheon for all of Australia?

Well, it's more like 21 days ago instead of an hour ago now... sorry about our question backlog. :( But we made it here now!

We've actually talked about this very thing before, and discussed a few Australian deities we've used in our games so far over here. We really don't know yet how we'll handle Australian myth or whether it'll end up being best expressed for Scion as several small pantheons or one big conglomerate pantheon. We have a pretty brightly-burning hatred of conglomerate pantheons, but a lot will depend on how things look when we start doing a thorough research project on them, and that time is not yet.

Thanks for coming by and voting, though. I have a feeling they're going to come out on top of that poll one of these days.


  1. Unfortunately, Australia did not win that competition :D

    1. Your emoticon doesn't seem to think it's that unfortunate. ;)

    2. I must admit, I am a Europhile who developed a love for the Mexica thanks to Brent and You.

      It's not fair to Australia, but any of their pantheons would just be a list of god names with no sentimental weight for me.

  2. I voted Australian because I would love to see more detailed info on a little-known Pantheon, and the other work John and Anne do is of such great quality. But I wouldn't mind seeing the Inuit Pantheon, for the same reasons, and because I was intrigued by the tease we got a few blogs ago...
