Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Scion AMA: Sophia Archimedes

Today, the short and probably not particularly sweet answers of Sophia Archimedes, better known as Aiona, goddess of the eternal flame. She is generally annoyed that people, who are stupid, are talking to her. God. People.

Her player let me know that if you have follow-up questions, I can field them over to her. :)

Why did you burn Paris?!

It had to be done. It was an offensive eyesore and an obvious monument to human (specifically Gaulish) hubris and stupidity.

It's okay. I built a beautiful statue in its place that will live on forever. They should thank me.

I'm curious, if Goze was in mortal danger, would you save him even if it put you in danger, too?

Do you know nothing about me? Like, really? That's all I've ever done, keep Goze alive by putting myself in danger. He wouldn't have even been a hero at all if I hadn't been there to save him.

And is he ever grateful? No. He acts like it's my job.

Are there ever any times when you want to just relax and hang out with Ralphie and not worry about anything else?

Of course? I mean, it'd be great if life were simple and I could just hang out with Ralphie and make things and make the world a better place. But people of course have to go fight and cause wars and be petty. So I have to go fix everything, because obviously no one else can.

I'm surprised no one asked about a certain dramatic explosion involving a certain rapper that apparently everyone hates. Normally everyone wants to know what's up with that guy.


  1. What did the monument Sophia build look like? what was it?

    1. It was a statue of Athena that burns with eternal flame, and can't be put out except by magical means. I believe there's also a statue of Zeus somewhere in that area, since one of her major gripes with La Madeleine was that it had been built on the site of a former Roman temple to Jupiter.

    2. So I take it Nouvelle-Paris, or rather Nova Lutetia, is sacred to Aiona?

      I would love to see a map of your world.

  2. I have to admit, the dramatic explosion with Mr. Rapper seemed pretty self explanatory: He hurt Sophia, and Sophia hurt him back HARD.
    He obviously lacked the good sense to know when he had an epic romance on deck with someone he was in no way worthy of, and paid the price ;)

    But in case I missed something, What was up with the dramatic explosion involving Jay Ortiz?

    1. I was about to go "Whaaat? Did Sophia make Kanye West explode?"

      Thanks for clarifying who we're talking about, though!

    2. It sounds like you have pretty much the gist of it. :) I believe Sophia would appreciate your phrasing!

  3. So, one of the epitomes of human culture and civility, one of the cradles of democracy, gone because she thought it was an eyesore and she had a hard on for the Nementondevos.

    1. You say epitome of human culture, Greek Goddess says mortal hubris. Also, seems like she had the opposite of a hard-on for the Gauls.
