Friday, July 26, 2013


Question: Taking your advice in the Army of the Lesser post, could you give us an outline of what you plan to do about the Avatars/Ultimates system?

I love the competitiveness. Voting wars are awesome!

Avatars and Ultimates have been something we've been jonesing to do for quite a while now, and not just because some of our PCs will probably be Legend 12 in the not-too-distant future (although I hope not today, guys, we are not ready for you yet). Their use in the books combines an awesometastic idea - ultimate power, expressed however the player wants, and the reins of the storytelling itself passed over to them for a few shining moments! - with abysmal mechanics, or lack of mechanics, that don't actually give any guidelines or aid to either player or Storyteller. We want Avatars and Ultimates to be the badasses they were always meant to be.

As usual, project outlines are vague things at this stage, but a few things we plan to mess around with include:

  • Nomenclature. We know why Scion calls four different concepts "avatar"... but shit's ridiculous. We'll probably change what these are called to try to cause fewer conversational trainwrecks.
  • Permanent Effects. While Ultimates and Avatars are the final powers purchased at the end of the boon/epic trees, they don't do anything in and of themselves most of the time. That's fine, actually, because they're giant superpowers that definitely do things when activated, but we'd like to see them granting something permanent to the Scions who fork over their 50 XP as well. A god who has these things literally embodies them, so we want that to be illustrated in some awesome concrete way. We don't know what that will be yet (and it'll probably vary from power to power), but it might be anything from constant visual effects to increased aptitude with related powers to special unique abilities tailored to individual gods, making every person's Avatar of Sky different. Whatever it is, it'll be awesome.
  • Usage Guidelines. The unlimited power represented by Ultimates and Avatars is totally exciting, but what they actually do is pretty vague and confusing. We'd like to give some more useful guidelines for using them, as well as maybe some examples, so players aren't put on the spot trying to guess what they're supposed to do and Storytellers aren't dithering around wondering if what's happening is appropriate. The books also do a terrible job of explaining what happens when two Avatars or Ultimates clash and oppose one another, and since "nothing happens, they cancel each other" is the least epic idea ever conceived, we're also looking forward to coming up with some cool ways to represent the conflict between ultimate universal forces.
  • Specialization. Right now, many of the Avatars and Ultimates are super narrow and specific, which gives us nice description of what some gods of that thing might do but leaves all the others out in the cold. It's great that we hear about how gods with The Storm can rampage across the landscape, decimating everything with uncontrollable lightning, but what about gods of Sky who are associated with the firmament itself and have nothing to do with lightning, or who are gods of breath and air, or who are gods of gentle spring rains or heavy fogs? Avatars need to be flexible enough that any god with that purview can use them in a way that fits their symbolic role as a deity. That might mean that each purview has a few different Avatars - perhaps users of Fertility can purchase The Green or The Season or The Feast or something? - or maybe it'll be an attempt to roll different ideas into something that's applicable to all.
  • Weaponization. We don't want to lose the awesome storytelling mojo of Avatars and Ultimates, but right now it's entirely impossible how to figure out how to actually use them against an enemy or in pursuit of a specific goal; it's either, "They don't have an Avatar, they die," or "They do have an Avatar, everyone blows 30 Legend and nothing happens." Not exciting.
  • Equal and Opposite Powers. Some Avatars and Ultimates, despite their best efforts, are at the moment obviously on different levels of power. Ultimate Appearance is clownshoes compared to Ultimate Stamina; The Sentinel is depressingly limited when compared to The Shaper. Everything will need to be able to compete with everything else, with the end goal that all gods, regardless of their kind of divinity, are able to face each other down and triumph with whatever awesome powers they have chosen to make their own.

It's going to be a big project. We can already tell, and we haven't done any more preliminary work on it than talking about it while waiting for movies to start or making dinner. But we're still pretty excited about it, and we will shed exactly zero tears if it wins the next round of voting.

(If you missed it, a little while ago we said that we've noticed that people asking about projects or characters on the polls almost always leads to them getting a voting surge, so if you have questions about the one you'd love to see happen, hit us!)


  1. I LOVE the permanent effects idea!!! I mean, Isis really looks like the kind of Star Goddess who should have minions to hold other people down while she weaves them into the firmament. And Agni is lord of the smoke that carries messages to heaven, so maybe he can use Fire boons to affect smoke! And Dionysus could finally get Fertility (Grapevines)!

    Hell, even if it's something as simple as 'count your no. of boons known as X higher' or 'add Y autosux', it would still be amazing.

    Adding Durga to the site be damned, I know what I'm voting for!!!

    (Incidentally, I asked this question, but I wanted to get your ideas first before I finally cast my vote. You have converted me.)

  2. Okay, now I have to ask. What are you planning to do with the Enech rewrite?

    1. A post on that will be going up this weekend. :)

  3. Kind of strange question for this post. Will your weaponization of the purview avatars include attraction or drawing things towards your avatar in combat (like harpies or sirens tend to do in other games)? Also if your looking for ideas for new terms to describe avatars, does something like purview "expressions" sound good?

    1. Only if that makes sense for the Avatar... so in some cases, maybe?

      I think we may just call everything Ultimates, but Expressions is also a good way of putting it.

    2. Im a big fan of ultimates being the level 11 of puriews and epics. Seems to be clean and easy.

    3. I went with Ultimate Boons and Ultimate Attributes. I also renamed the Titan Avatars "Titan Aspects" instead because that's actually a better fit for what they do. That leaves Avatar just referring to what happens when a God creates a mortal body for himself to inhabit.

    4. Well, and the Deva Avatars. It helps to say Avatara, but our players never remember that in play.

    5. By this point, I'd just drop the term "Titan Avatar/Aspect/Expression" and just call them Titans. The only reason I still call them Titan Avatars in my game is out of habit. When was the last time the Titanrealms were considered the "actual" Titans, and not just Overworlds specific to a certain purview/concept?

      I'm just kind of ready to squash the "Greater Titan" concept for good.

    6. That's true, we tend to just call the places Titanrealms and the beings in them Titans.

  4. I really want this one to happen sooner but, doesn't look like it's going to with how the vote's going. :I

    1. Well, the vote'll be up for a good long while - these Titans won't be done overnight. Anything could still happen!

  5. I've never voted for this for two reasons...1) I'm never going to run/be in a game where anyone ever reaches Legend 12. I'm still hoping for a game where anyone reaches Legend 5. So really, this has nothing to offer me besides fluff for the Gods.

    2) I always figured when the time came that Ultimates were required, J&A would say "screw the poll we're doing this now" like they did with Artistry. So I never saw the urgency.

    Really in pretty much every way this is the least interesting option for me...
    And it seems my option is at war with Enech Overhaul, so let there be blood.

    1. It's true that we'll have to eventually just do these if they don't win the poll by the time our PCs need them, but they could always be done sooner if other folks want to see them, too.

  6. I get the ambiguousness of Titans, but I don't see anything really wrong with the mechanics of the avatars. The sheer power and flexibility of them seems to have house ruling built in.

    1. It does, but it also makes it very difficult for people who don't have a lot of dots of Wits IRL to do things. If you're naturally creative and great at storytelling, they work beautifully! But if you're not, or your Storyteller isn't and doesn't work with you very well, they don't work at all. We'd like something that can be used by those players for whom improvisation comes easily and those who need a little more structure to really know what they can do.

  7. So is your current project Polynesians followed by Titan rewrites or the other way around? I'm just wondering what you're emphasizing right now.

    1. We work on new pantheons sort of concurrently with everything else, so they don't really compete for project space. We're usually working on both a pantheon and another project, in this case Titans.

      Hoping to get both done in a timely manner... but then, we always hope that.
