Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Testing, One, Two, Three

Question: Would it be possible to add a 'working on:...' somewhere on the blog? I kinda lost track of which projects you are currently wrestling.

Last time someone asked for this, we cried and said we were too busy and made a lot of excuses. But here it is again, and since it seems a few people would find seeing progress bars around useful, we're going to revisit the idea on an experimental basis. Over on the right, you will now find some progress bars, which will depress you with how not-full they are!

We're reserving all the rights to remove the bars at any time; if it turns out that they're too obnoxious to keep updated, or we hate using them, or we slump into drunkenly sad stupors every time we see how empty they are, we may remove them again and call it a day. But we'll use them for now, and who knows? Maybe they'll catch on, and we'll turn out loving it. It is always fun to have a way to say, "Hey, we accomplished something!" to the world, even if there's no finished product yet.

Of course, this will mean you can totally tell when we aren't getting anything done. But maybe it'll keep us motivated as well!


  1. I'm (very VERY pleasantly) surprised that the Polynesian Pantheon is already a quarter done, what with John's Pantheon fatigue!!! Yay!

    I'm really excited to see how you guys handle Mana, and even more excited to see what you'll do about the Titanrealm, since Tawhiri Matea is out as chief enemy.

    And dare I ask which Realms you've selected for inclusion in this update?

    1. Correct me if I am wrong, but that is one of the .pdf Pantheons Anne works on without John? *still hopes and votes for the Amatsukami rework*

      By the way, question asker here. Thanks for giving it a shot ^^

    2. I was under the impression that they worked on them together. Anne has stated multiple times that John is the left brain and she's the right brain, and the Pantheons, pdf or not, are joint ventures.

    3. It is one of the ones that I do most of the grunt-work for, although in reality there's no such thing as a project that John doesn't have to be involved in. I ambush him in the shower to talk about PSP mechanics and make him carry my library books, things like that.

      But John has technically not officially worked on a pantheon full-time since the Bogovi, so the Amatsukami remain a viable voting option!

      I wouldn't discount Tawhiri so soon, Samudra. ;)

    4. At the moment, we're planning to focus on the Titanic opposition for the Anunna and Devas, to round out our "core six" pantheons' problems.

    5. Jef is mostly correct. For the pdf pantheons, Im mostly hands off. It is a TON of work on annes part and a lot less on mine. Im much more of a consultant. She picks my brain about over worlds, underworlds, etc throughout the process, I get a few drafts of the psp to basically just scrawl complaints on, but Im not really writing it and then I usually help with birthrights/sample characters/and a couple other things. But the vast majority of the pantheon pdf work is annes.

    6. didn't the Orisha come after the Bogovi?

    7. Oh, that's true! I forgot about them because John went into "no pantheons, please" mode right after the Bogovi, but still ended up doing the Orisha anyway.

  2. Lol, why do I suddenly see the progress bar going over 75% one day and then John suddenly realizing its bad and having to restart a project from almost 0%? :P
