Friday, July 26, 2013

Creepy Crawlies

Question: Are there any gods with some kind of insect as their Animal totem?

Sure. If you get global enough, there are gods with practically everything as their animal totems, including things that don't really exist. There aren't a ton of insect-associated gods, generally because insects are tiny and annoying and therefore not objects of reverence for most people, but those with special functions or impressive appearances still get their moments in the limelight.

On the site right now, the wild and woodsy Oko has Animal (Bee) associated with him, thanks to his association with growing plant life and the bees that both fertilize the flowers and act as his messengers and representatives. Swarms of bees are even today considered Oko's followers in some parts of the Yoruba lands, and they are given proper respect and offered water to wash in if they happen to come close to the dwellings of humans. On the Titanic side, there's also the famous Obsidian Butterfly herself, Itzpapalotl, a frightening and warlike creature who is strongly associated with the butterflies that are her namesake, as well as with bats and deer. It's not a strong enough association to give her The Beast, but Xochiquetzal, Aztec goddess of love and fertility, is also associated with butterflies, which are said to follow her and her exotic flowers wherever she goes, and she probably has quite a lot of Animal (Butterfly) as a result (and perhaps a butterfly nahualli, too!).

Outside of the playable gods of the pantheons, there are also others, less powerful or more obscure, with ties to the many-legged and icky. Khepri, an Egyptian god who manifests as a dung beetle, is one of the most striking examples, and /Kaggen, the supreme god/dess of the African Bushmen, appears as a praying mantis and exercises lordship over all other mantises as well. And while we now know through the Power of Science that spiders aren't actually insects, the fine distinction was totally lost on most ancient people, who would have added to the ranks of their insectoid gods such figures as Anansi, Mictlantecuhtli and Grandmother Spider.

If you're excited about insect totems in your game, our advice is to totally go for it. We've had three bug-Scions - Lionel Cuthbert with wasps, Vivian Landry with spiders and Cora Champagne with honeybees - and loved it every time.


  1. Also coming to mind is Malinalxochitl of the Aztecs, though I'm not sure how important she was in a mythological sense.

    1. Oh, good point - I wasn't thinking about them creepy scorpion goddesses. Serket in Egypt is another one.
