Saturday, July 6, 2013

Give Mama Some Sugar

Question: I don't believe the Amatsukami were as much into godly incest thing as some pantheons, but how weird would it be for Amaterasu to marry her Scion? Yes, our game went to a very weird place, which is what happens when you annoy Aphrodite...

Weird on an unimaginable and unacceptable level. First, let's talk about divine incest!

Incest is indeed an accepted practice among many gods, even gods of the Amatsukami, but while we modern folks tend to lump all incest into the same category and call it a day, in a mythological context it's important to understand that there are different kinds of incest, and some were considered acceptable behavior for gods while others were seen as heinous crimes. Sexual relations and marriages often occur between siblings (like Isis and Osiris or Shango and Oshun), uncles/aunts and nieces/nephews (like Hades and Persphone or Nergal and Ereshkigal) or cousins (like buckets of gods in different pantheons).

But while those kinds of familial relationships are fairly commonplace, you will extremely seldom see a parent married to a child, and that's because that particular form of incest is almost universally taboo across all pantheons. While sibling relationships make cosmic sense, whether for preserving a bloodline or because at the beginning of time there simply isn't anyone else to hang out with, parent-child ones usually don't fall into the same category. The relationship between a parent and a child is fundamentally different from that between siblings or cousins, having an aspect of responsibility and dependence that isn't usually present between other relationships, and as a result almost every culture worldwide has developed a major taboo regarding it that filters through to their gods.

While there are a few cases of parent-child marriages in ancient myth, they're almost all at the level of Titans who are so ancient and primordial that they're only anthropomorphized perfunctorily, such as Gaia having children with her self-created sons Ouranos and Pontus. Every other time it occurs, it's strongly criticized within the myths itself; Brahma's pursuit of Sarasvati is responded to with disgust, distress and eventually a curse, Orungan's attempt to marry his mother is so heinous she ended up detonating herself to avoid him, and when Enki sleeps with his daughter (and granddaughter and great-granddaughter, compounding his sin), he is punished for it until he has to beg Ninhursag to save him from death by brain-pregnancy. We don't even need to bring up details when it comes to Oedipus.

When it comes to Amaterasu and the Amatsukami, I'm sure you can see where this is going by now. While there are several cases of sibling incest among them - Izanami and Izanagi, Amaterasu and Tsuki-Yomi, Okuninushi and Suseri-hime - there are none between parent and child. The Japanese had enough problems trying to justify the sibling incest among their gods, which involved a lot of apologetic essays about the gods being forced to marry among their siblings thanks to no one else being available and their simply being above the moral laws that bound humanity, without trying to justify a mother getting it on with her son. The pantheon as a whole would find such a thing absolutely abhorrent and indefensable.

So yeah, Amaterasu marrying her own son would transcend "weird" and head straight off into the stratosphere of "horrifyingly not okay" for pretty much all of the Japanese gods (and most other pantheons, too). Which doesn't mean you can't do it, of course; especially if Aphrodite is vengefully ensuring this massive breach of the pantheon's morals and politics, it's totally possible for Amaterasu to hook up with her Scion. It's just that there will be massive fallout, possibly up to and including her being deposed or slammed in the face with hardcore Justice. No one among the Amatsukami is going to be okay with it thanks to it being the seriously forbidden kind of incest, even if they don't come up with other reasons to be upset about it (which they probably can; Tsuki-Yomi, being her estranged husband, would probably not be pleased no matter who she was marrying, for example).

It's not advisable, is what we're saying. Really, really bad things will happen. Aphrodite has chosen a very good, and very dangerous, vehicle for her revenge on you.


  1. Damn, this is why we need a Love way does Aphrodite have the kind of Epic Manipulation to make Amaterasu forget herself to this extent.

    1. Yeah. The original books' writeup gave her Ultimate Manipulation, probably exactly for this kind of thing... but let's be real, she can't even pull off hiding an affair of her own.

  2. It's not like Aphrodite hasn't done this before. She made Myrrha fall in love with her father in order to ruin them both. Parental incest is up there with "Star Crossed Lovers" for a vengeful Love Goddess' bag of tricks.

    1. Unless you prefer Ovid's version, in which it's the Furies that inflict the incestuous love affair on Myrrha to punish her for hubris. :) Or both, or neither. Them Greeks are all up in arms over hubris all the time.
