Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Veil of Lies

Question: Is it permissible for the same Titanrealm to be simultaneously attacking two different Overworlds? As a specific example I had an idea of the Devas and the Yazata being under siege by the same Titanrealm, only for the Devas to see it as Maya, Titanrealm of Illusion, while the Yazata see it as Druj, Titanrealm of Lies, and the split between the pantheons is a result of machinations by the ruling Avatar Ahriman/Mayasura back during the First Titan War. Do you think the idea has any merit?

Holy shit. Who are you? Are you in our house? Oh, my god, the blog questions are coming from inside the house!

What you're describing is pretty much exactly the way we run the Titanrealm of Illusion; it is simultaneously opposing the Devas, who see it as led by Mayasura, lord of illusion, and the Yazata, who see it as led by Ahriman/Angra Mainyu, lord of lies. Lies, illusion, deception, and all other manner of obscuring what is actually there are the domain of the Titanrealm, which is so convincing at them that it has been confusing both pantheons for time immemorial. The Devas believe the Yazata work for the Titan, while the Yazata believe the same in reverse; both are unfortunately afflicted by the realm's tendency to use illusions of their one-time allies as mortal enemies against them.

So... yes, we would say the idea has merit, because it's what we're already doing and it works pretty beautifully. In all other cases, we prefer to stick with the one Titanrealm, one pantheon model, but for the Devas and Yazata, who are already one anothers' worst enemies, this setup makes a great deal of awesome mythical sense.

(Seriously, though, if you're in one of my closets or something, please leave while I'm at work.)

Of course, keep in mind that all Titanrealms are sort of simultaneously attacking all Overworlds; none of them are really only angry at one set of gods, but rather all opposed to all of them on a fundamental, order-and-preservation of the universe level. Titan Avatars of various cultures are likely to harry their home pantheons regardless of which pantheon the realm as a whole most often lays concerted siege to, so it's always possible for agents of Muspelheim to be attacking someone other than the Aesir. It's just not as common or concerted an effort.

Really, though, please don't hide in my trunk or anything.


  1. "The question asker won't come out of the closet!"

  2. The irony in that statement, griffinguy24, is that I AM out of the closet, in every sense of the term ;)

    And I'm really sorry if I freaked you guys out, but I swear I'm not hiding in your house! It was just an idea I had that I thought would be really cool because I just could not think of a proper Titanrealm for the Yazata short of 'Lies' and that always ended up with 'but the Devas have that'.

    If I ma think ask, do the Yazata also call the Titanrealm Druj in your games?

    1. Nah, you didn't really freak us out, it was just surprising to hear our exact thoughts from somewhere else! And yeah, there are just too many ways the setup is perfect - both Devas and Yazata are opposed to falsehood (just in slightly different philosophical form), they have that obvious used-to-be-one-culture-and-then-inexplicably-started-hating-one-another thing going on, they have language and terminology in common...

      The Yazata never specifically refer to their Titanrealm, just to the infernal daevas they're always struggling against, but Druj is definitely a good candidate for its name.
