Thursday, January 3, 2013

Building Character

Bam, fourth post in one day! Because I can, and also because John got bored and decided to post about abs and nice hair and stuff.

After a lot of painful neck-cricked work, we just added a new editable character sheet to the site for anyone who might want to use it (it's also available on the Downloads page). It's primarily for our players to use, since they've gotten accustomed to fancypants character sheets tailored for our games, but anyone else who also wants them is now free to partake!

In no particular order, some notes about the character sheet:

1) It's pretty big for a PDF (around 7MB). I recommend saving it to your computer and monkeying around with it there, unless you love long browser wait times.
2) It features dropdown menus for various things, including pantheon, god, Nature, and the names of knacks and boons. The options are all ones we use in our games or downloadable PDFs, but for those of you who are using your own house rules, you can also just type things in those fields and ignore the drop-down.
3) Yes, knacks/boons/gods that we haven't finished overhauling are included in the options for those using them. I'll update the sheet in the future as we fix those things.
4) The sheet currently lacks a way to denote which Attributes, Abilities and purviews are associated/favored. Sorry.
5) There's also nowhere to put Arete, because everybody else who doesn't have Arete probably doesn't want to deal with ninety tiny dots. Consider it a general, non-pantheon-specific sheet that ethnically discriminates against the Dodekatheon.
6) The character portrait area has been changed to a square from a circle to make life a little easier for those who might want to fill it in using stamps or other fancy PDF graphics. There's no support for importing an image into it at the moment, unfortunately, because we use software that we found in the free dumpster out back.
7) There's also no fancy behind-the-scenes math doing calculations, so you'll have to manually enter things like DV or perception distance.
8) Like most editable PDFs, you won't be able to save data you enter into it with Adobe Reader or most other common PDF readers (though you can still print it out with everything you've filled in). You can, however, fill it out and save it to work on later using PDF Xchange Viewer or a similar program, which is a good option for anyone who wants to use it as an ongoing character sheet.

Not a contender for Mr. Gone's Character Sheets, but a big improvement over the blank uneditable PDF!

Since we're not using these, please, players - both ours and anyone else messing around with them - let us know what improvements you'd like or new things you would enjoy seeing. I can't promise they'll all happen, since we have software and time limitations, but lay them on us anyway. The worst that can happen is that we go get drunk instead.


  1. wow, thanks! My game has been wishing we could use your sheets for a while, this will be a big hit for us.

    The only thing I see to complain about is dots dont seem to fill in right in the Windows8 pdf reader. but I switched to Adobe and they look fine now, so I guess its not a big deal. just thought you should know.

    1. Hmm, confirmed - we just tested it over in John's Win8 viewer and it came out all cockeyed. Good to know, thank you.

  2. Awesome work guys! I'll definitely be using these soon, I think ;)

  3. Have a question about the areas of DV, Soak, Move, and Act. Can you tell me what all the N, TP, and all the other random letters signify? I have some guesses, but I'd like to have the correct answers.

    As for requests for additions, more Health Boxes.

    1. Good suggestion, thank you!

      For soaks, N stands for Normal, A stands for Armor, and BA stands for Body Armor.

      TP next to Join Battle stands for Tactical Planning, which some characters may have to substitute their roll for some combats. The N stands for Normal again.

      For Dash, N stands for Normal again, and L stands for Lightning Sprinter, which increases characters' speed. (We've done custom sheets before with extra room for higher-level speed knacks or Psychopomp buffs, but for the basic one I figured we'd leave that clutter off for now).

      Finally, next to resistances, N is Normal again, and K stands for Knack, for those who have any of the resistance-boosting Appearance, Intelligence or Wits knacks.
