Friday, March 16, 2012

Ships Passing in the Night

Question: Are your current active PCs still two separate bands, or have they met?

They're definitely still separate bands, and they've never met all together at once, but single members of both have occasionally crossed the others' paths. Terminus and Vala share cult space in Delphi and have met a few times under friendly circumstances, and he also turns up occasionally to help Yoloxochitl when she needs transportation. Sowiljr and Vala have met briefly on a few occasions in Asgard, and though you probably couldn't call them friends, they've been known to cooperate cautiously.

There've been a lot more near misses than real meetings. Yoloxochitl keeps trying to meet Eztli, but they never seem to be in the same place at the same time, and the two bands have run across things the other one did more times than I can probably think of off the top of my head (often with extreme displeasure; Jioni is vastly unamused by some of Zwazo's continental arts and crafts projects, and Vala will probably curse Aiona's face off if she ever sees her). Folkwardr was on a crusade to kill Eztli for a while, but (probably fortunately for everyone involved) never caught up to her.

We find that the players have more fun poking at one anothers' doings and belongings from afar than they do hanging out in person (in person, they tend not to like one another too much). Also, ten characters is a bit too overwhelming for a single game; we've done it, but it's hard to make sure everyone's getting the individual attention they need, so we prefer to keep the number down.


  1. Also, in the case of some of us, it would mean playing two characters at once, which could get confusing very quickly. :)

    1. Too true. It hurts the roleplaying brain.
