Thursday, March 15, 2012

Monster a la Mode

Question: Why is Raymond Dent a typical college frat boy asshole, while Saki is a feral seductress traumatized by Raiden at every turn? In other words, since they are both children of Raiden, why is one relatively normal, while the other is what many consider a monster who tricked an entire band into slaughtering each other?

A fun question! I went to the players to get their word on their characters.

From Ray's player:

"Basically, I figure initially it was just beer goggles. They met at some ridiculous frat party while Raiden was in a human avatar form, and Ray and he were drinking a whole lot and putting everyone under the table. And then this other guy outdrinks Ray and he passes out. When he woke up, the guy told him he was his dad, and said that the last three couldn't keep up and didn't make it, so good job. After that it was pretty much out of sight, out of mind. By the time he saw Raiden in his true form, he'd already seen a lot of weird stuff from being around Colin. I figure by that point he didn't care about anything too much anymore."

From Saki's player:

"Saki probably came into her divinity the most traumatically of any character in the game. She had a happy normal life with a happy normal family, and then she came home and a monster out of her nightmares was literally eating them right in front of her. There's no coming back from that, psychologically. She wasn't a bad person before that point, but the shock of her family's murder combined with the realization that she was the daughter of a monster and therefore probably a monster herself snapped her mind pretty effectively. If Raiden had bothered to ease her into it in any way, she might have been able to deal with it better, but he didn't, so now she is what she is. Which is pretty much what he wants her to be, so I guess that worked out for him pretty well."

From an ST perspective, Raiden gave Ray his Visitation in the United States while part of a semi-diplomatic mission where a few different gods from different pantheons were meeting to work on things; it's likely that Amaterasu and company had him on his best behavior while he was abroad to prevent political incidents. There was nothing preventing him from being his happily monstrous self on his home turf, however, so Saki got him in all his full, gory glory. Every Scion probably has a slightly different conception of their parent than their siblings or others outside the family, but Ray and Saki are a pretty extreme example.

I imagine Ray was probably more mentally stable than Saki to begin with, or at least better at rolling with crazy scary violent weirdness, or else he wouldn't have been able to deal with Colin all that well, either. What I'm really curious about is what the deal was with Ray's mother - I'd love to know how that went down.


  1. is being Japanese American one of the reasons that Ray didn't show when all Amatsukami scions were called back to Japan?

    1. That is a mystery our parents aren't allowed to know yet. :) But I will point out that Raiden is kind of a wild card in the pantheon, and has been known to have multiple children working against one another just to make sure he has someone on the winning side when all's said and done. Saki has clashed against her sister Caroline at least once, and it's not a stretch to believe that Raiden may have had Ray doing something completely different when the rest of the Amatsukami were pooling their efforts.

    2. ...and by parents, I of course meant players. Sheesh. Game ran until 3:30 a.m. last night and clearly I have not recovered yet.
