Monday, March 26, 2012

Overactive Work Ethic

Question: What sort of process do you go through to make your created Pantheons? (Elohim, etc...) Do you use the steps that were in the Companion or do you have your own special method?

I don't know if I'd call it "special". Special in the way that taking three right turns is a special way of turning left, maybe.

While the pantheon-building steps in Scion: Companion are a good starting place when you're just beginning to figure out pantheons, we really don't use them; they're sort of more a quick-and-dirty primer than a thorough plan for building a whole set of gods. It's possible that I'm also a little biased because I thoroughly did not enjoy the example take on the Slavic gods, but in general it gives you a decent idea what to do but really doesn't feel like a whole plan or guide to me.

Our process for pantheon-building looks something like this:

1) Decide on next pantheon to build. Argue for days about who's more mythically relevant, should have been in the original game lineup, and has the coolest stories. Pledge to finish pantheon in record time so all the other ones not chosen this round can have their turn soon.
2) Go to personal library, public library, and minimum two university libraries for books on pantheon's culture and mythology. Spend a month or two reading and absorbing them while taking copious notes on cool things that could be included in a supplement and suspect things that need corroboration from other scholars.
3) Email writers, professors and scholars on the subject to ask about details and sources. Dither over own presumption.
4) Create a roster of playable deities for the pantheon. Email it back and forth to each other for a week or two to argue about certain points, associated powers and assorted other nitpickery.
5) Begin work on PSP. If did not find an obvious culturally unique idea to base it on during reading, go back to books and read again until one turns up. Make two lists of powers that could be in the purview: one of thematic ideas ("gain power from sacrificing yourself!" "force others to conform to your values!") and one of mechanical implementation ("gain Legend dots!" "give others Virtues!").
6) Rewrite PSP eight kajillion times. Probably end up changing order of boons ten times until it feels right. Argue unceasingly about whether or not powers are too similar to other pantheons' boons or too comparatively boring. Spend endless nights making sure they balance with every other power in the game.
7) Write Underworld section, including landscape, mechanics for travel and occupants. Refer to notes from reading (and books if necessary - thank god for long renewal times at university libraries).
8) Write Overworld section, including landscape, current events and occupants. More of the same. Keep track of various gods and their abodes for use in the Antagonists and Other Beings sections.
9) Start work on Titanrealm by finding an appropriate Greater Titan concept that isn't already taken, hopefully one that is easily apparent as the big bad guy of the pantheon in their myths. Return to libraries to research other cultures to determine what figures might be Avatars of it from various pantheons. After at least two hours of heated debate, write a basic idea of the realm's landscape, behavior and inhabitants, including at least five Titan Avatars and at least one Titanspawn antagonist for visitors.
10) Stare hopelessly at mountain of work remaining. Go out to get Chinese food.
11) Make list of all interesting gods, creatures and characters not on the playable roster for this pantheon. Split them up into antagonist and potentially friendly categories. Write Antagonists section for the one, Other Beings section for the other, including all stats. Include as many plot hooks as possible to avoid having to do a separate plot hook section.
12) Briefly celebrate accomplishment before realizing that supplement is still not done.
13) Grudgingly spend a day trying to come up with Relics while hating entire process because statting Relics is boring.
14) Spend a few days vaguely discussing sample characters without committing to anything. Finally manage to jointly brainstorm character concepts for them. Build both (one Hero and one Demigod) and write their descriptions.
15) Cautiously celebrate accomplishment again, but not before thorough editing to find typos, unfinished sections and mistakes, and cross-referencing all sections for continuity, terminology and not contradicting ourselves.
16) Take a week off to recuperate. Email Stephen and ask unashamedely for free art.
17) Four-day marathon of PDF layout and tweaking. Finally produce a coherent PDF. Email to friends and upload to website.
18) Profit!

So you can see it's got a lot of features similar to the Companion section, but it mostly more complicated and spiced with our tendency to do too many things all at once. Nevertheless, we usually end up with something we can feel pretty proud of and our players can be excited about in the end, which are the things most important to us.

This is why it takes several months per pantheon, though. It's like training for a marathon around here.


  1. your forgetting 19) Repeat.

  2. Number 13 confuses me. How can statting Relics ever be UNFUN? Relics are like the chocolate chips in the cookies that are mythology! I am confused!

    I also applaud your choice of Chinese food as stress relief.

    1. Man, relics are my least favorite part of writing supplements (or making characters, for that matter). I don't know what it is, but I just find them completely boring. I don't really care what kind of stuff a character's toting around - it's what they're doing and what they think I want to know about!

      Then again, chocolate chips are also not my favorite part of chocolate chip cookies, so this may just be me.

    2. Yeah, I pretty much hate doing relics also. Im a much bigger fan of relics people get alogn the way, that have some meaning. I think birthrights are necessary in scion, but the "stating" portion of them can be pretty boring even when done well(and my relics are done very very well).

    3. Crazy! I'm playing with a Shen Scion who has a Bonzai Peach of Immortality Tree. Every month, it grows one Peach and only one Peach, that functions like a Golden Apple of the Hesperides. It's already been interesting, when his mortal half-brother decided to steal one just to spite him.

      Then there's the Teotl Scion who has a Lemurian Queen's Royal Amulet she found in the stash of a deceased Rus. She was walking around one day and realized that she could read the hobo-tags all around the city, because they were Written In Ancient Lemurian. Then she discovered that the Hobo Queen of Atlanta was really a descendent of Lemurian Royalty and the hobos were refugee Lemurians, who tasked her with returning the Amulet to Lemuria.

      Relics are like plots in a jar! Except instead of being made of glass, it's made of purified fun!

      Also one player has a pickled minotaur phallus.

    4. Im gonna sound like I'm shitting on your relics here. Im not, we just disagree.

      See that apple tree seems....insanely powerful. Like, its not logical for any god to give that up to their kid. And theres no reasons for ALL the gods to be trying to steal that. There is a reason those are so rare in myth. And why they are always possessed by very powerful people, who are protected by even more powerful people.
      Why did the half brother steal one to spite him? How did that spite him? Shouldnt he have stolen be immortal? 1 immortal person per month forever is a LOT of immortal people. Eventually thatd be an entire immortal populace.

      The amulet sounds cool, although knowing that language would probably just take some epic int and cipher and some time. But that all sounds like a fine plot line.

      We've had a pickled phallus relic before. I have a feeling those are probably fairly common.

      But the relics you listed are perfect examples of ones that work for individual stories but dont work for PDFs.
      The first is insanely powerful(and probably poorly priced dot-wise), and the second is very story specific and not really a good generic relic.

      Not to mention in both those games, the other players would have to have some pretty amazing stuff in order to keep some level of fairness throughout the group when it comes to relics.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The big problem with relics is how they are needed to use a purview, so you end up not having relics that do "neat things" but rather taxes on desires to use powers.

    1. I dislike balancing all those "neat things" especially at hero. So needing to use relic points for purviews is something I generally like. Its easier to balance at demigod and god, when you can get crazy with "neat things"

  5. #16 is my favorite part of the whole process. :) Eventually (and by "eventually" I mean "probably after the graduate degree is finished in 2014") I'll get around to pantheon portraits for the Elohim and Bogovi (and whatever else you've come up with in the intervening time).

    I was about to go off on this whole tirade about how Birthrights are as vital a part of a character's Legend as anything else and Anne is lame for not writing them and totally try to refute John's point about how the ones that you get along the way are cooler -

    ..but then the very first example of a from-myth Relic that I thought of was the skin of the Nemean Lion that Heracles wears...which he got himself along the way. *facepalm*

    That said (and maybe this is related to my disability concerning stunting), Relics that do nothing but channel Purviews really just drive me nuts for some reason. Sure, it's cool for Alison to stunt some Sun with her Fusion Pistol (or whatever), but it seems to me that a Relic should DO something apart from that, even if it is to just modify a Boon/Knack or give a bonus to something (or if it does only channel Purviews, it should have a really cool backstory and be a thing out of actual myth). Not saying that everyone else's Relics suck, just stating a preference.

    1. The VAST majority of relics in myth are found along the way. Its just a better story that way(and its why most stories use them that way).
