Monday, February 3, 2014

Shade and Sweet Water

Question: If someone uses Aqua Vita on a fountain (for a permanent WP dot), and then the party bottles water from said fountain, would the effects still take place? Or would they have to physically drink the water FROM said fountain?

That would indeed still work! If you have a fountain that has permanent Heal on it, and you take a water bottle full of that water with you, it grants you the effects of Heal any time you drink it, no matter how long it's been since it was taken from the source. You still can only drink one dose per day, just like all other Health boons, so you can only drink one water bottle of it at a time to get an effect. The Storyteller's the arbiter of how much water constitutes a "dose", but we would probably always say that something like a water bottle is one dose - don't try to cheat by drinking only a quarter of it at a time or anything.

Keep in mind, though, that it's seldom possible to carry Aqua Vita doses around for long. Scions are exposed to constant supernatural and mundane dangers, and those often have unfortunate consequences for any non-relics they might be carrying. Water bottles, plastic jugs, canteens and other normal gear easily get broken, melted, smashed or otherwise destroyed during the course of a Scion's adventures, so unless you happen to have a relic container, you can never be sure that you won't lose that dose when unexpectedly jumped by monsters. Our Scions who take advantage of Sowiljr's permanent spring o'healing in Mexico usually use those doses as soon as they need healing, because while the people with Health boons will probably be intact later, there's no similar guarantee for the water they're carrying around.


  1. Some enterprising Scion's gotta mass manufacture that! That'd make for an interesting story, as I imagine mortals would charge through the roof for the "elixir of healing", people would fight over the fountain, etc. Ironically it might cause more harm than good.

    1. I guess it would be a quick way to get a bunch of fatebonds to Health if you wanted to... though I'm sure they would have some horrifying consequence.

    2. Geoff actually did in one of our stories - made a magical Bolster-well in Egypt. The Egyptians promptly rioted and he was told off in no uncertain terms by both the local Egyptian deities and representatives of Islam.

  2. Doesn't everybody take 1 dot relic containers? That seems like standard scion adventuring equipment, almost with 1 dot relic phones.

    You never know when you need to put something dangerous in something else that will not melt, explode, turn into a monster, etc!

    1. luckily our pcs arent lame like that. But we put the kibosh on relics that have been over done before out of the gate. Relics are flavorful things given by your parents, not useful cause they cant break items.

    2. Birthright points are usually too precious to waste on a Zelda bottle (at least in my games).

      Which is why having a Mage (for Trusted Tool) or a scion with Artistry in the band is so good!

    3. Trusted Tool is really the weapon of choice here. (Although, as our Scions who met Pele discovered, even that isn't foolproof.)

    4. Hahaha, so it's only a lame idea if it's a relic?

    5. He just means that you should spend your relic points on things that are cool, thematic and unique to your character, rather than frittering them away on boring basic "adventure gear". There's other ways to get that stuff. :)

    6. It really is very lame, Other Anonymous Guy. Relics are personal items tied to your own story and destiny as a god, not random D&D magic junk. There should be no such thing as "standard Relic adventuring gear" for Scions.

      (I do love D&D, by the way, I'm just pointing out it's a whole different game with its own logic)

    7. On a note related to birthrights!
      Everyone, i would like to hear, what are the coolest relics that has been made in your games? and why is exactely that relic awesome?
      I know there will be a miles-long list if all the relics should have mention, but i think it's possible to whip out a few extraordinary ones that really caught one's favour?

    8. I don't know, second anonymous guy. I think gods who are vastly more intelligent than all of us combined might make some relics with functionality in mind. It's not like every artisan god sits down to make items based on pure narrative whimsy.

      Especially in times of war.

    9. Rasmus, I think that might need to be its own question to the blog. Not sure as many people will see it down here in the comments.

    10. That would be a great question for the blog. I look forward to seeing it in about 6 weeks when it emerges from the questionado! =P

    11. True, it probably does. I just thought it would not be fit there, as it is as much a question to every user of the Blog as it is to you guys, but i'll post it immediately :)
