Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Reality Blurs

Question: How does reality work in Scion, anyway? If, say, the current Sun-God fails among the Aztecs, the world will end - but does Ra have to give a damn about that? If Ra gets eaten by the giant serpent, do the Aesir have to care about what happens to the sun?

This question is like a carnation - even when you forget all about planting it, it shows up about once a year anyway. Here's an old post that talks about the issue of universal truth in Scion - everything is indeed true, but that doesn't mean that the truth of one culture necessarily has to override the truth of another. :)


  1. I don't know if this has ever been discussed, but what are the effects, in your game, of Ragnarok, and the destruction of most of the Aesir, on the world, and also, which parts of the world it has affected the most. (And I'm referring to the loss of the gods, and not the effects of Ragnarok, if the two can be separate.)

    1. This is definitely too big a question to answer in comments. Probably also too big a question to answer in the questionado. Will more then likely find out in the fiction. Vote betternextime/skeinsoffate

    2. I will say that it did have severe effects on parts of the world that were not Aesir controlled, and on the gods and pantheons of other cultures who were involved in it as well. However, this wasn't the result of Ragnarok being "all-encompassing" and overriding other pantheons' mythology and cosmic truths, but rather a consequence of several other pantheons involving themselves in the event. Essentially, they chose to involve their own fates with those of some of the deities in Ragnarok, and in turn were therefore affected by some of the same events.
