Saturday, February 22, 2014

Leo on the Loose

Here's an awesome early morning art treat, for the Gangs of New York game!

In this picture, Skylar Copperwithe, youngest member of Containment Prime, has accidentally triggered a star demon's wrath, which dragged him into its realm with the constellation monster Leo. Terrified but still heroic, he fought it off with his nuclear cube of power, a relic from his father. He emerged grievously wounded but triumphant to the tender ministrations of his band, after which he refused to ahve anything to do with star monsters on his own anymore.

By Samantha Braithwaite!

He's small, but he can be mighty once in a while, as long as Zoe then comes and tells him everything is okay and Isaac performs emergency first aid to soothe his wounds.

He's having some trouble in Containment Prime these days, so this picture is sort of... the good old days? That's a bummer.


  1. Is.... Is Russel making mummies to combat the zombies?
    (Sorry for the out of topic question, but i was reading the Twitter and got all interested and curious and stuff!)

    1. It's more that they have a dead guy, and Russel has just enough grasp on Egyptian stuff for his Piety to think they need to mummify dead people. Mr. Ptah would say it's the only appropriate way to dispose of a body!

    2. i see :P
      what made him extremity?

    3. Nothing, he's just acting his Piety. :)

    4. i see, i just saw Valentina's post with #pietyextremity and assumed that he actually did extremity :P

    5. Nope, but he is dangerously close to hitting one soon, the only question is which one!?

    6. my first reaction was Love extremity! he is forced to go off looking for Zoe...
      Then i thought ''why did i not threaten my players with that Virtue being placed on everyones list at dot 4 when i was threatening them with a Valentines special?'' (Well, right now the Minions of Surt are trying to grap some Powerful Shards of crystallied flame to use in powering Laevetinn -which my players still do not know what does, they're still acting on ''that, we probably do NOT want to happen''... anyways, they might not really have had the time to suddently go all valentines special :P )
