Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Quick Fix

It's time for another big-bang post full of quick answers! For those who want to keep track of the ever-expanding vortex of the Questionado, it's currently at 194. We're down 7! Success!

Question: Do Scions automatically know the language of their pantheon?

No, they do not. They know whatever language they actually know, and won't magically learn their pantheon's native tongue just from being activated as a Scion. If you're thinking of that weird thing that the Percy Jackson books do, we're sorry to disappoint you - nobody ever has a language "hard-coded into their DNA". (But you can get Language Mastery and that's basically about as good!)

Question: Just noticed that on the Annuna you have a profile up for Nanshe (with 6 associated) but she is not listed as a playable god. Is there any particular reason for this or are you just holding off for a major Annuna update?

Sometimes gods get kicked off our rosters for not being high enough Legend, but we keep their pages around in case other people still want to look at them. You'll also find "secret" god-pages for Sif, Geb, Kebauet, Dian Cecht, and a few others.

Question: What gods would you suggest for an expanded British pantheon? At the moment I’m thinking of adding Tommy Atkins, Merlin, Herne the Hunter and Tom Hickathrift (A.K.A. Jack the Giant-Killer) to Britannia, John Bull and Robin Hood. I don’t want it to resemble Arthurian legend too much, as that’s a little too Christianised for my tastes, but I want it to stand out from the Tuatha and the Welsh gods as well.

Sorry, we can't help you with this one. We are passionate haters of the World at War pantheons, including the Allied/British pantheon, and would never make them a "pantheon" of gods of an equal standing with people like Ra or Zeus. At best, we'd consider them former Scions, undercover personas of various established gods, or in a few cases Legendary Mortals. (But we do consider Herne the Hunter to be an alternate persona of Cernunnos, if that helps you with anything.)

Question: First off, I definitely love what you did with the Inue. In terms of Native American pantheons, most of the fan stuff has been to take some of the gods from each pantheon and bring them together as one like the Manitou. What is your opinion on something such as that and do you feel each of the individual pantheons can stand on their own like the Inue?

We're not fans. We think the pantheons of all different areas of the world should have an equal shot at being Scion parents, and that there's no reason to assume that the tons of Native American pantheons wouldn't be just as distinct from one another as all the pantheons of the other continents.

Question: If a paleontologist Scion wanted to, could they make their personal Santum a chain of islands modeled after Las Cinco Muertes from the Jurassic Park franchise?

You can put whatever you want to in your Sanctum - it's your house and you can decorate it as you please! (But that only goes for in your house, so you won't be able to use it to create a free dinosaur army that can leave to lay waste to New York with you.)

Question: Do you think Gods' Honest is broken knack?

No - if we thought that, we wouldn't be letting our Scions use it all the time. I'm not sure why you think it's broken, since you didn't say, but feel free to tell us why in the comments.

Question: What do you do when a PSP boon requires a roll of a Virtue (like how Familial Sacrifice's pool is Conviction) and the Scion doesn't have that virtue? Do you just have them botch the roll, or do you have them use the next most appropriate virtue?

They can't make that roll; they have zero dice. They probably shouldn't have swapped it out, or should try to get it back if it was taken from them. However, they could still use a Virtue Channel or Legendary Deed to get some dice/autos if they still want to use the boon anyway.

Question: When purchasing dots of Epic Stamina, you get health levels. Are these -0, -1, -2 or -4?

Always -0. Dots of Epic Stamina also remove the wound penalty negatives from the health boxes you already have as you get more of them.

Question: When a Scion spends Legend, are Fatebonds only formed with those physically present? EX: if someone catches a film of them and uploads it onto YouTube.

Yes, you will only gain Fatebonds to people who are actually nearby when you spend the Legend. If someone recorded your deed and uploaded it to YouTube, no one who watched it would get Fatebound because you would not be spending any Legend when they saw it.

Question: I was looking through the graveyard, and Jesus Christ, what happened in Langley?

Vote for Strawberry Fields fiction, and find out. ;)

Question: So, weirdest question ever about Michael Chambers. How would any man or woman he sleeps with want to deal with a cold piece of metal on his penis? I can't imagine any woman wanting that inside them.

We... are not sure whether or not you're serious. But in case you are, you may want to do a careful and discreet Google of the term "Prince Albert piercing", and god go with you.

And we'll stick with those ten for today!


  1. First question asker here, I was mostly thinking of this part from The World in a Tortoiseshell.
    " His city is greedy, someone whispered as she stepped silently across the room toward the generale's desk. The language was not Spanish."

    1. Aha! No, there's no divine understanding of languages going on there - Sangria actually speaks some Nahuatl. Various forms of the language are still spoken in Mexico (estimates range from about 1 to 2 million speakers, although not all of the same dialect), especially in rural communities or slums with a high percentage of heavily native-descended people.

      She grew up speaking a patois of Nahuatl and Spanish, but did not gain any more native understanding of either language just from being a Teotl Scion.

  2. Hmm...I know the Tuatha are the Gods of Ireland and Scotland, and (insert Welsh Pantheon name here) are the Gods of Wales...but who actually are the Gods of England?

    Also, I find it supremely confusing that people can ask about whether the Native-American Pantheons can be told apart while the Welsh and Irish Gods are standing right there.

    By the way, I notice that Epic Stamina question gets asked a lot...have you ever considered updating the Knack pages with details of the passive effects of Epic Attributes?

    1. England doesn't have a separate pantheon; it was populated by various Celts and people of Norse descent for most of its early history, so their gods might apply. There are a few local figures who might have been gods, but most of them are so heavily reduced to folklore that it's very hard to tell anymore.

      I know, right? Y'all want distinct Etruscan, Roman and Greek pantheons, but just one giant soup of native Americans? Ridiculous.

      We'll probably be doing a lot of systems updates as we go through the boons and notice things that need fixing.

    2. The problem here is separating geography from people. The area we called England is currently named after the Angles, a Germanic tribe (who are, in turn, named after their favorite weapon, the angon, a type of spear... same thing goes for Saxons and seaxa, Franks and francsica, etc.). Those folks would be Aesir-ish.

      However, the land was inhabited by Romano-British types before that. And Britisho-British types before that (then things get more complicated... not sure how to fit, say, the Beaker People into a discussion). And THOSE guys went west to Wales. (After the stuff at Hadrian's Wall, the whole Arthur shebang, etc.) So, old school Romano-British gods might look a lot like the Nemetondevos. Better match might be the Welsh pantheon. (Who ARE NOT called the Mabonogi... that's worse than Azlanti for sheer linguistic nonsense for a made-up name).

      However, having said that, there is definite evidence that the Welsh and the British-who-lived-in-England had at least slightly different takes on the pantheon. For example, the Welsh word for "English" (as in the people) translates directly as "Saxons". But the older Welsh world for England (the geographic location) translates roughly as "the Land of Llyr"....

  3. I just looked up Prince Albert Piercing. Then I had a friend who was wondering why I was looking at Prince Albert Piercings tell me about Corset Piercings and Lip Corset Piercings.

    Dear gods, why did you two send me down this terrible rabbit hole?

    1. Okay, those images are never leaving my mind EVER!!!

    2. Don't blame us. Blame Michael.

    3. Blame Michael. It rarely solves anything, but it's a safe place to start.

    4. Cameron, I need a T-shirt with that on it.

  4. Question asker here. I am serious, I looked it up, and my question still stands. How would anyone want to deal with a metal ball hanging off a guys penis, especially when that guy is paid to have sex with you like Micheal. More importantly I am heavily insulted about you brushing me off like you did.

    1. You were "brushed off" because your question is mostly anonsensical one. Humans enjoy an infinite amount of things in both their regular lives and their sexual lives. A genital piercing barely grazes the fringe of sexual things that most people dont do, but many people enjoy.
      How could someone enjoy something is just a not a logical or answerable question. You looked it up, you saw that many people across the world do in fact enjoy it. The question isnt any more answerable then "I hate the color blue, how can other people enjoy blue, it doesnt make sense."

    2. Not sure if anon is trolling, but...

      Asking that is like saying "Man, I just don't get how someone could like redheads." The answer is still that people like all kinds of different things other than what you might.

    3. Well, I definitely didn't mean to insult you, so I'm sorry for that. As others said above, though, I'm not sure how else to answer that question. What did you want in the post? An in-depth description of all the ways people might enjoy a piercing in a sexual situation? I feel like that's outside the scope of this blog.

      Suffice it to say that there are many people who do enjoy it, and that Michael is probably sufficiently talented to make it work for others.

    4. I tried to respond to this, but I think Ze Frank says it better than I could.


    5. They did not brush you off. You asked a "personal preference" question. I know many women who think that the feeling of various phallic piercings are interesting or stimulating against the vaginal walls.

      There is also the fact that the metal is generally warm since it spends the majority of the time between a gentleman's thighs, and moderately close to their blood. Not that it cannot get cold, but most men are polite enough to make sure it is warm at the time of insertion.

    6. Sex Ed. with John&Anne, feat. Other Tom

    7. That Zefrank seems like a pretty cool guy. Thanks for the link, ''Don't Yuck my Yum'' will be my new ''Stop getting your peanutbutter in my jam!''

  5. Ann or John should have given the explanation Other Tom did instead of saying "get lost" in so many words. That is why I feel they brushed me off, and Other Toms answer was the one that has satisfied me. Thank you Other Tom.

    1. Because we are mythology experts, not sexual accoutrement experts.

    2. I'm glad you found what you needed in the comments, then. However, this isn't a sexual health blog, so while we're happy to point you away to someone else who might have answers about that sort of thing (or to Google, since in this case I didn't have a piercing fetish blog in my easy-to-look-up sites index), we're probably not going to dedicate a whole post to the nitty gritty of sexual fetishes when there's no accompanying mythological context.

  6. 195* sorry, just submitted another question.

  7. I'm not that questions asker, but what about live-streaming then? if your legend got burnt on a live-stream, would you risk getting fatebound to all of them?

    1. We would say ST preference on that one. It would depend on how much technology works and is important in a particular ST's gameworld. We could see saying no because those people aren't really there, but we could also see saying yes because in mythic sense, you could argue that they are there since they're spectating in real time.

    2. Ooooooooooh, I like this idea, thank you for it!

    3. Okay, now I'm curious, how would you rule it in your games?

    4. My games have had cults that sprung up over Tumblr, I'm going to run live streams of legend spending as a means to fatebind. :3

    5. I just created a Charisma knack that allows your knacks and boons to work across live media performances (still restricted by number of targets the knack would normally affect, if any).

    6. So, what about your Gangs of New York? Would it work there? your Web is spun by Arachne, so i could really see that working out. I mean it's already possessed by the mythical.
      On the other hand that very thing could make you take the Web as a ''mythic being'' and thereby not have fatebonds apply through it at all :P

    7. We don't know yet if the Web (Internet) is spun by Arachne. Her spiders pulled Issac in through power lines, and they appear to be assisting in maintaining a barrier around NYC. Beyond that everything else is conjecture.

  8. Question Based upon my reading on the scion rules I thought Epic Stamina only removed -1 and -2 wound penalties never could find where it says removes -4 another question so if you have epic stam 4 you have 7 extra 0 health boxes they dont go anywhere else ?

    1. Scion: Hero, page 130 - your third dot of Epic Stamina removes the -4 penalty. :)

    2. AH!!! see i always read that as remove 4 boxes since -1 and -2 had 2 boxes each since it wasnt specific but thatnks that helps but when it comes to raging bull if your have so much stam it probably doesnt come into play as often even if you do get hurt sometimes since all the extra boxes go to 0 instead of being split between them I always thought it was like 7 add healthboxes you just add 1 to each and keep going down the list
