Friday, March 8, 2013

Through the Veil, Again!

Question: Fluff-wise, what's the difference between Prophecy and Mystery? Why would some gods have only one and not both?

The quick answer: because Prophecy is seeing things that are yet to be and making pronouncements about the future, and Mystery is seeing hidden knowledge that exists in the here and now and can only be accessed by the truly enlightened. They both involve gaining information from Fate, but they are very different ideas, and of all the gods across all the mythologies involved in Scion, it's a very tiny number that actually do both instead of being aligned with one or the other.

The long answer: in this post on the subject here! Go wild!


  1. Completely unrelated, but I don't know where else to put it: I can't find the 'Ask' button. As in, the question box is where it should be, but the Ask Button is nowhere to be found. Is that a blogger problem or did you guys redesign something?

    1. It's a design compatibility problem - the ask box is a third-party non-Blogger app and Blogger's interface doesn't like it very much. I'll give it another whirl at trying to get it to behave, but I promise nothing.

      If you can't see the Ask button, you can always still just enter the question and hit Enter. (I know you know that, but just in case anyone else was confused!)

    2. I actually didn't know that...and I think I just sent you five copies of the same question by mistake! Sorry!

    3. No worries! :)

      The app must have changed something on their end, because I just tested and the UI's gone wonky on me, too. Grumble. I'm on it, guys.

    4. This is probably a good example of when RL Mystery would have been useful.

    5. Looks like Enter's not working, either - sorry for lying to you! If you do Tab after entering your question, however, you should be able to tab down to the Ask button.

    6. 'Your question has been received'...Finally! Thanks for the troubleshooting Anne.

    7. Okay, it's kind of an eyesore, but at least it's displaying for now. I'll work on making it pretty this weekend.
