Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Shock and Awe

Question: Have you ever had any of your characters play being either elated or terrified of their new powers?

Sure. That's a pretty common response to suddenly being able to do crazy shit you couldn't before, as any comic book superhero's origin story will attest. Those new powers, combined with the potent knowledge of actually being related to gods, tends to see Scions react strongly no matter who they are.

Some Scions were delighted by their new powers. Tyler Hamilton Orton immediately took to the rooftops to start a career saving the innocent and reveling in his new powers over the sky (although the local authorities burst his bubble pretty early on). Darcy and Hime could not have been happier to have awesome magical powers to play with, show off to others and use when they shouldn't, and Mohini was overjoyed to receive the favor of her beloved divine patron. Yadi was pretty consistently delighted whenever she discovered a new skill she didn't know she possessed, and, of course, magic toys and missions in faraway lands are the things that Colin had been waiting for his entire life. A lot of Scions are excited about their new powers, or at the least pleased that they can do cool stuff and glad to have useful tools; they aren't all bouncing off the walls singing their joy, but it's a good thing for them nonetheless.

And, yes, sometimes Scions are afraid of what's happening and what they might be able to do, which is also a reasonable reaction. Faruza was both elated and afraid, thanks to a combination of religious affirmation and the justifiable fear that people around her can simply drop dead at any moment now, while Alison couldn't handle the splintering of her logically scientific world and responded with fierce and unconquerable denial. Saki is pretty terrified of her own powers and relics, courtesy of her equally terrifying father, and Nic is currently in a state of shellshocked horror after accidentally brutally murdering someone when his newfound mojo got out of control.

Of course, those aren't the only options; abject confusion about what's happening is also a popular first Scion reaction to powers, while resignation to duty, rejection and desire to go back to a normal life, or generalized patterns of denial and acceptance also happen fairly regularly until life settles down and the young godspawn start to figure out their places in the grand scheme of the universe.

Only in Scion does "life settles down" mean "people get used to the idea of insane divine adventures".

1 comment:

  1. So which character gave your favorite reaction to becoming a scion.
