Friday, March 22, 2013

Bugs: Zapped!

Hey, everybody!

Thank you to all of you fabulous readers for your help on the Bug Hunt, because you were totally awesome. We've cleaned up a huge number of typos, unclear wording, missing mechanics and non-updated quick-reference entries, and it's largely thanks to you all being so excellent and helping pitch in with us. How did you know there's nothing we like as much as spending extra hours updating old HTML files? You're just spoiling us now.

It's been more than a week, so I'm moving the bug hunt post off the top of the blog so y'all don't have to scroll past it to see us yelling about new stuff. It's still available for any new bugs you find, however, and can be easily found by searching for "bug hunt" on the search to the right. Or you guys can just send it in to the question box - either way, we'll get it!

We did have a request for a concise list of major changes that were made as a result; while I'm not going to list all the nitty gritty little typo cleanups, the major changes were as follows:

*Hippocratic Oath mistakenly said it granted dice equal to Health boons rather than level of Health, which has been corrected.
*Dexterity and Perception knacks have had their wording fixed regarding the difference between throwing and shooting weapons.
*Itztli now correctly deals lethal damage instead of bashing when sacrifices are healed and a Scion's Legend pool isn't great enough to cover the loss of power.
*Doppelganger now correctly costs 1 Willpower instead of being free.
*All-Seeing Eye now clearly states that you cannot rebuy the permanent Willpower spent while the power is active, not that you can't buy it back ever.
*Aurora can now be used with negative Epic Appearance as well as positive.
*Fertile Soil/Salted Earth now only augments positive or negative Fertility boons, depending on which aspect of it is used.
*Adaptive Fighting now correctly applies dice equal to the successes a Scion receives from Epic Wits.

In addition, two other issues were reported that we haven't yet been able to fix: Shroud of Silence will be gaining some kind of Stealth bonus in the future, and the Dvoeverie boons Dva Dukhom and Dvoinobog will be getting Ori options added to them as soon as we finish balancing them.

Thank you all again for your awesome help!


  1. Is it too late to point out that Thoth is mysteriously absent from the Quick Reference?

    1. It is not - thank you! I'll make sure that gets fixed today!

    2. I just checked and he's definitely there - was there somewhere else he was supposed to be that he isn't?
