Sunday, March 24, 2013

Salted Water Buffalo, Lightly Toasted

Question: How feasible is the use of Faunaphagia at Hero level when you have things like Leopard, Lion or Orca as your choosen Animal? Does conserved meat work, like leopard, lion, orca jerky?

One of the challenges of the Animal purview is that some of its boons are easier to use when you choose a commonly available animal, and some Scions who choose very exotic totems will have a harder time finding critters to use them on. This isn't just a problem for Faunaphagia, but also for things like Animal Communication, Animal Command, Call of the Wild and Ride Animal; if there aren't any gila monsters around and that's your chosen beastie, well, you're just out of luck and will have to find some.

Feasibility of the boon really depends on where your Scion is and what's happening, so it'll vary over the course of your adventures. Scions who pick up Animal (Orca) are going to have difficulty using some of that purview's powers any time they're inland and not at Sea World, and even if they're asea, trying to catch and eat a killer whale is probably going to prove to be something of a challenge. Unless your Scion happens to be a whaler or the sort of wealthy and unscrupulous dude who can pay poachers to import wildly illegal meat from the endangered predators on your list, he probably isn't going to be able to get much out of his Faunaphagia at Hero level.

Most Scions in our games who choose animals that are difficult to sink their teeth into pick up Animal Command as Heroes instead of bothering with Faunaphagia, which they can go back and grab after they're more mobile or able to make their own animals as Demigods. Scions who choose more commonly available animals, like Cattle or Dog or Tuna, are more likely to get mileage out of Faunaphagia at early Legend ratings.

But, a happy answer to the second half of your question: yes, you can use Faunaphagia with preserved meats, as long as they are legitimately made of the animal in question! Salted and smoked leopard-meat is just as legit for Faunaphagia as the raw steaming guts of a freshly-killed beast, so if you think it's possible you won't have access to your chosen animal for a while, you can always take some pickled monkeybrains or vacuum-dried sloth with you wherever you go, or even just put fresh meat in a plastic bag and drop some Delay Rot on it. The normal problems with carrying supplies apply here - they're easy to lose, may make stealthing more difficult and can be instantly destroyed by things like fire or hails of bullets - but at least you'll be no worse off than if you hadn't brought any with you.

Having a rare animal totem is more challenging than having one that hangs out on every streetcorner, but as always, make sure that players know that and that you don't push them one way or the other. Some will take Animal (Rat) so they can know they'll never be without tiny friends or have to worry about lacking things to use their boons on, and some will take Animal (Electric Eel) and damn the consequences, waiting until later so their awesome concept can truly (and literally!) shine. Either's fine, and it's all about what the Scion in question wants to do.

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