Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bat on a Hot Tin Roof

Question: If you don't mind me asking about your games, I have a inquiry about Eztli. I've watched her Twitter with the humorous bat outbursts. My question is, when she does transform into her bat-self, does she speak and act like that to the band? Is she locked in a complete primal mindset? What is she like when the bat comes upon her?

Cuacitlali really is the bomb for in-game tweets. Sangria's just hanging out there not caring about much, like she does, but the bat has opinions and it will share them with you at the top of its voice.

Because of the way nahualli work, it's not really accurate to say that Eztli ever transforms into Cuacitlali. Cuacitlali and Eztli are equal halves of the same soul; they are the same person and both of them are always present. They can and do manifest differently depending on what's happening at the time, so often you'll see one of them, the other, or both at once, chilling in double manifestation. Eztli tends to appear as only (mostly) humanoid when they're in political or social situations where a bat would be inappropriate, usually because Sowiljr tells her to dial it down; Cuacitlali, being a bat, is also very cranky about bright lights and tends to not appear when things are too well-lit. In moments of heavy emotional stress or danger, Cuacitlali often appears by herself, with Eztli completely absent; it's in this form that she threatens enemies, bothers Sowiljr for attention or tries to eat people, because as the more emotional side she often overrides Eztli's natural indifference. Cuacitlali also tends to bust onto the scene whenever stars are present. She is, after all, the eater of stars, as she will tell you whenever prompted.

And, of course, they can also both hang out together in the same scene, which also happens fairly frequently. It's not uncommon for Eztli to march around with her band while Cuacitlali sits brooding on Sowiljr's shoulder, or for Eztli to tend her children while Cuacitlali keeps watch or plays with the littler bats. A nahualli is just a different facet of an Aztec Scion or god, not a different person or creature that must be summoned or transformed into; generally, Eztli and Cuacitlali are mostly interchangeable and can turn up in any combination, because they're the same person in the end.

That said, though, they do have separate "personalities" - or, more accurately, they manifest different facets of their shared personality. Eztli's all pragmatism, duty and law, and she's the part who drives getting things done, safeguarding her people and following the rules of the Aztlanti. Cuacitlali runs all the passionate and reactionary parts of the whole, and is the one who actually gets angry with interlopers, demands sustenance and complains about discomfort, or possessively hisses at anyone else who gets too close to Sowiljr. The bat can't really "come upon" Eztli, because Eztli is the bat all the time (in fact, thanks to Bestial Nature, they're not all that dissimilar-looking anymore) - the only time you could say it really came upon her was when she discovered it at her apotheosis. But the bat can take different "actions" than Eztli classic would have, thanks to expressing different parts of her personality that she wasn't aware of before she was aware of Cuacitlali itself.

But yes, Cuacitlali is pretty much all yelling all the time when dealing with others. She, like Eztli's more "human" half, operates primarily on instinct; the only difference is that she's emotional about it where Eztli usually isn't, so she tends to be more volatile and temperamental about it. She routinely tries to eat Folkwardr (or tries to convince Sowiljr to let her eat Folkwardr, anyway), snaps at and assaults other gods and magical creatures, whines about being hungry (her favorite thing to do is beg Sowiljr to let her bite him, because he's so deliciously magically tasty) and shrieks whenever irritated or angered, which is often. Nobody can actually understand her unless they have Animal Communication (Bat), so her screaming is usually confined to Sowiljr, Terminus (when he was alive) and other bats. Everybody else just hears this.

Both Eztli and Cuacitlali are pretty primal to begin with; it's not like Eztli was ever overly "human" to begin with. If anything, Cuacitlali's the more human half of the equation - emotional and responsive, as opposed to Eztli's brute-force instinct and disinterest. If Eztli had more qualities of humanity, so would Cuacitlali, but they are what they are, and neither is really ever going to understand or resemble mankind all that much. She's one of those animal gods that is closer to the beast than to mortal man.


  1. Not the question asker. So would you say that they are two sides of the same coin? Roughly the same thing, but in looks they are different?

    Also, which one does Sowiljr like dealing with more?

    1. Two sides of the same coin is pretty accurate. They're not really different people, just different parts of the one same person. (Woody would probably grumpily tell you that they barely look any different, both being ugly batmonsters that he wishes would go away.)

      Well... Sowiljr likes that the bat likes him, and he's always wanted to get an emotional response out of Eztli, but he's not a big fan of being bitten and screamed at (also, the bat tends to terrorize/eat his bears when he isn't stopping her). Hanging out with more "human" Eztli is probably more comfortable for him.

    2. Ah, true love... Only the most Loyal of lovers would allow the other to terrorize his prize animals without leaving them. :P

      Honestly, I am a little surprised, I would of thought he would like the bat more, but maybe thats because I hate trying to guess what a person feels and wish they would be open about some stuff. lol.

      That and I had a person in my class that was home schooled and came to public with really not knowing how to deal with other people his age. He was cold and emotionless like a robot(which was his nickname) and even when he talked and especially when he laughed, his voice sounded more artificial then some robot movies. So maybe thats where I get my prejudice. lol.

      Anyways, is it common for the nahualli to be more showing of a person's true emotions than the other person or is it only in rare cases, like this one? Thinking about pitching an Aztec with one and wanted to rp it correctly.

    3. I imagine he would probably long-sufferingly say that he likes both of them, and Sangria would stare at him because she doesn't understand why he always talks like there are two of her.

      Nah, the emotional thing is mostly Eztli. Your nahualli is the other half of your soul, the more mystical and spiritual half; it just functions as part of or a mirror of your personality, so its behavior depends on you. If there are facets of your Scion's personality that you feel are more repressed or less often out in public, the nahualli might embody those more, or vice versa. Or you really could look at them more like id and ego, or as and other number of dualities. Every nahualli's unique to the person who is its twin.

      Eztli's nahualli happens to be emotional because it's a cranky bat and it knows how to express things that she normally doesn't. Quetzalcoatl's nahualli, in the myth of his escape from the Underworld, was instead the guy who was like "what, no, stop crying on the ground and get up, we have to get the hell out of here, dude, have you thought of just getting out of the pit and running?" and got him moving again when they were almost caught.

    4. So someone who has, say, a scorpion as the nahualli that is more boisterous and flamboyant with his movements and killings would maybe have a nahually more secretive and kills through subtly instead of trying to make a statement.

      Or a person who is shy could have a Bird of Paradise as theirs.

      Or a boar for a fighter.

      Basically, as long as it makes sense, it could work for the person. lol. I only ask cause I have never played an Aztec yet and was going to go more animal and fertility then I have ever done. With possible darkness. lol. Most I have ever done with Animal is first dot so far in spider with my Egyptian.

      Lol, if I ever do play an Aztec with an nahualli, would it be too much to ask for help on statting it out? lol. :P

    5. Well, we're busy, so we might not get around to you very quickly (as you know from emailing us in the past!). But you can always ask - the worst that can happen is we'll be too busy and tell you so. :)

    6. lol, meh. I know the inherent dangers of trying to e-mail you. lol. so I wouldn't have it be a near last minute deal. lol. :P

  2. Replies
    1. wha wha whaaaaaaa

    2. Huh.
      That's depressing.
      He saved the Moirai from being killed, despite hating fate?

    3. Sometimes we all do nice things for people we hate. It's one of those things that happens to heroes.

    4. Depends on your definition. ;)

      Despite being gone (though far in the future - expect several more stories about him before then), he still makes Woody's life miserable on a regular basis.

    5. I choose to believe the Moirai escaped with him by tricking Zeus, and Goze is now living in a happy relationship with one of them in Comprenion, or somewhere else in the world, far away from Olympus.
      Because some people deserve a happy ending, and after what he went through fighting those snakes, that includes Goze.

    6. Wait, wait, wait...
      His wife was having twins, from a previous response - does this mean they're now left without a father? Did Goze ever get to meet them before he got offed by Zeus?

    7. Goze did get to meet them! They were only infants, but he did have the opportunity to see them before haring off to pull Zeus' beard.

      They're not without a father, though. Goze's last living action was to make sure they were provided for, and to date they're doing just fine.

      Geoff did have the unenviable task of explaining to Claire what happened to her son recently, though. It was uncomfortable.

    8. I think I'm going to make sure to vote for Goze stories now, just so there can be some happy times that we ready about, before looking through just how he died.

    9. Goze, are you Fatebinding yourself to the blog commenters again?

    10. Huh, seems Zwazo Fou Fou also died by Zeus' hand, for trying to avenge Goze - err, how's this work with Goze causing him trouble still?

    11. Sorry, that one would be telling!

    12. It's all those epic deeds that Goze is known for. Can't help that he's a lovable jerk!

      And they're just gunna love how it all goes down... tugs at the heartstrings.... I'd also like to imagine that Goze is making Zeus' life miserable too...

      ALSO! I want to hear how that conversation with Claire went down.

  3. Etzli=superego Cuacitlali=id. Is there no ego? or is Solwijir the ego?

    1. Nah, that division doesn't really work. Cuacitlali is as much the ego as Eztli, and Eztli is as much the id as the bat. They both govern instinct and thought in their own ways. It's one soul split into two parts, but those parts are equal and complementary, not oppositional to one another.

      They both occasionally do things the other wouldn't, but they really don't fit into a modern psychological mold.
