Monday, January 9, 2012

The Root of All Evil

Question: Your website seems to be heavily referenced by dedicated members of the Scion community. Do you intend to try and expand it into...'hub' for want of a better term, for Scion? I clarify, are you going to try and expand it to incorporate other long term games and the works of other dedicated Scion fans? Thank you for your time and hard work.

While it does give us a sort of ticklish-in-our-tummies feeling to think of being a hub center for an awesome community like the Scion one, alas, for the moment the answer's mostly no. It's for the oldest and nastiest reasons, as usual: time and money.

Keeping JSR updated for our games takes something along the lines of twelve hours a week (which is not to say that we mind, players. We love you). I know, because I do most of that updating while John is scribbling in his many folders of game mechanics like some kind of derangedly creative squirrel. It's a labor of love, but it's a time-consuming labor of love, and that's not even including the many, many hours we spend working on game stuff before it ever makes it to the website. While having a central Scion hub like that sounds super-neat, between a full-time job and a full-time afterhours life (often playing Scion!), there's not a lot of time left over to try to create and maintain game sites for others' campaigns. It would be a lot of work, and while working on this site, this game and this community in general is its own reward, I only have so many hours in the day and so much flexibility in my exhaustion-riddled typing fingers.

Also, since we pay for our own hosting, we would probably need to upgrade to pay for more space and bandwidth, which is less than feasible when we already live on whatever we can steal from graduate students by lurking around university libraries at night.

But that doesn't mean we don't like or want contributions. We do! We love them! If you've got a knack or boon we don't have on the site and you think we should, send it to us and we'll be more than happy to look it over (after all, if it's awesome, our players probably want to use it, too). We probably won't like everything - no, my friends, we really do not need any more powers that give extra attacks, thanks - but it's entirely possible that we might add it to ye olde database. I can't speak for John, but I know I'm always tickled to read someone else's Scion fiction as well, even if we don't have the space or time to host it on the site.

Thankfully, I don't feel the lack of a fan hub for Scion too keenly; the fine folks on the official forums and official wiki do a pretty bang-up job of sharing and conversing about all the Scion under the sun. And if one of you guys out there does decide to build a central hub for Scion gaming, let us know - we may not be set up to take on that project right now, but we'd hella participate if someone else were. And who knows? Maybe someday in our misty futures we'll be able to do something like that. Only the Fates know.

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