Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Load of Bull

Question: Are you going to add a full write up of Tarvos Trigoranos?

Probably not. While the bull with three cranes is an interesting figure that shows up in Gaulish reliefs and is most likely a deity, we know literally nothing about the beast - no powers, no stories, not even its actual name (Tarvos Trigaranus just means "bull with three cranes", because that's what he is). There's nothing to put into a writeup on it; it was probably worshiped along with the other Gaulish gods, but so far scholars and archaeologists haven't the faintest idea why, how, or in what way.

The supplement for the Scion Storyteller Screen suggests using Tarvos Trigaranus as a Guide for young Scions instead, which seems like a good call; that way, you can involve it without having to worry about nitty gritty like associated powers and stories, and because it's such a symbolic creature you can probably find a way to have it grant practically any bonuses to the Scion who has access to it (traditional things like Animal, Fertility or Mystery might work best for a bull, though).

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