Monday, January 30, 2012

We Work Hard for the Money

This isn't much of a question more so as praise. I check your site weekly to see if there's new fiction because the stories told are wonderful to read and allow for so much inspiration to try and match them. I have to give props to John and Anne, and all their (your) players because while this site isn't 'official' or anything, I always use it when I say "read this - this is why Scion is awesome."

Thank you very much, sir or madame. It always gives us stomach butterflies when we hear praise about our site. We work hard on it because it's a game we enjoy playing, and we really like our players to have fun and have as expansive and perfect a world for their gaming experience as possible. But it is a TON of work (8 man hours today alone reworking Babylonian associateds), and so hearing from outside sources that it helps their games in some way makes us feel awesome, and even more like all the work is worth it.

It's always difficult to find time for both setting/mechanics work and stories. And whenever I hear praise about stories I think, "If only the readers were as far along as the players were!", because it just keeps getting more awesome. I will lean harder on Anne to get to writing. She's been working very hard on the new pantheons and I think it helps her to mix things up. But, sadly, both of the main storylines' literatures are about 50 games behind the actual plot, and she has several side stories (making sure all the characters have backstories, making sure important NPCs that show up later are highlighted earlier, etc). But I'll push her and hopefully we'll have more fiction up sooner rather than later.

My real dream is to have Aurora's and Geoff's bands (I call them their bands because the literature is from their POV) encapsulated in two Percy Jackson-eqsue (or True Blood-esque, or ASoIaF-esque, what have you) novel series that run parallel to each other.

And that just gave me a great idea. I know generally RPGers are poor... (I know I sure as hell am...) but would a Kickstarter for that project have some merit? Let us know in the comments if you feel thats something that might work.

And again, thank you for the high praise. It warms all the cockles of both our hearts (even the subcockles). Ended with a Dennis Leary reference for all the old people.


  1. Anne named my blog after I posted it....the title is a lie...there is no money :(

  2. I sometimes wish we could live blog or otherwise record our games. There would have to be heavy editing to omit all the haberdashery, though.

  3. Yeah. Or we could be like. "ok guys, live blogging, be super serious all game". It probably wouldnt be too hard actually. Would probably be doable with some minor editting software.

  4. It's the metaphorical money... of enjoyment!

    I do also sometimes wish we could record our games, but we are very haberdashery-heavy. And also we'd have to all, like, wear real pants and try not to spill beer on our character sheets, stuff like that.

  5. You make a lot of hats while you play?

  6. If it was a sound recording only we wouldnt have to wear pants!

  7. I think you guys should do at least one sound recording! At the least it'd be interesting to hear how the format goes and how the fiction evolves from around the table RP to well, zee fiction.
