Sunday, March 23, 2014

Divine NCAA part 2

That was really exciting! Im having a blast.

But I fucked up and cant read a calender. I thought the next round was next week. But its saturday and sunday?!!/57ad51f11b235

So get your guesses for the next round in any time today. I should have figured it out when mat submitted his answers super early. Im sorry I lied samudra! As long as you get your guess in before each game starts you can get credit for that game. There are 16 games this round, 8 per day. All games this round are worth two points!

Also, since we have time now, go ahead and fill out the entire bracket. So thats gonna involve a little predicting on your part, guessing who will win each round. But that lets further rounds be worth more points while still being fair. Once you submit ill add it to a document so dont bother trying to edit ;)

You can get your early guesses in asap if games are close though, but update it with the rest of your picks as soon as possible. Its a little confusing, but I'll post mine below so you can get an example. I hope you all are having fun. Its like we get to care about sports without having to gamble on them!

Round 2 is worth 2 points per correct guess.
Round 3 is worth 5 points per correct guess.
Round 4 is worth 10 points per correct guess.
Round 5 is worth 15 points per correct guess.
Correct guessing the champion is worth 20 points.

So even if you missed the first 2 days. You can still be in the race if you start now.
Also of course remember its all in good fun and not to stress or worry too much about it :)

Also check your score. Its a lot of shit to keep track of, so i did my best, and I think I got it, but could be mistakes.

Thomas 46
John 40
Mathias 38
Other Tom 37
Miraal 36
Dave 35
Alex 34
Samudra 33
Mat 32
Anne 32
Griffin 24
Purple Snit 24
Jacob 22
Rasmus 18

First day was intense! So many upsets!
Thomas and I guessed 7 out of 8 though!

Final scores for this week are up!

Really intense. I was taken out of the top spot handedly. I want to make sure everyone stays interested and keeps having fun. So tomorrow I'll have some rules up for the next week, and how people who've been beaten already can win back some points.
Thanks everyone for a great time. And grats to those who came from behind with some awesome points today.


  1. Sweet Sixteen
    1. Odin
    2. Thor
    3. Manannan
    4. Zeus
    5. Huitz
    6. Ares
    7. Freyr
    8. Tezcat
    9. Shiva
    10. Ryujin
    11. Sun Wukong
    12. Marduk
    13. Set
    14. Mithra
    15. Sobek
    16. Shango

    Elite Eight
    1. Odin
    2. Zeus
    3. Huitz
    4. Tezcat
    5. Shiva
    6. Marduk
    7. Set
    8. Sobek

    Final Four
    1. Zeus
    2. Huitz
    3. Marduk
    4. Set

    Championship Game
    1. Zeus
    2. Set

    1. Zeus

  2. I also love peoples reasonings for their picks. They've been a lot of fun to read. The answer to all mine is just whoever I think is most awesomer. Im boring.

    1. You can't be boring - you thought this thing up!

  3. Here's my sixteen:

    1. Chors, cause I'm not underestimating her again.

    2. Freya, cuz I stick with my old choices.

    3. Manannan, because he has a relic for every occasion.

    4. Zeus, cause he's auntfuckin Zeus, that's why.

    5. Hummingbird vs. Polar Bear. Huitzilopochtli, but only just.

    6. Ares...the guy beat the Hero Twins.

    7. Quetzalcoatl, cuz...reasons!

    8. Tezcatlipoca, but I would NOT want to be at this game.

    9. Kali, because we all know who wears the pants in that relationship.

    10. Ishtar...poor Ryujin won't know what hit him.

    11. Sun Wukong...I mean, does Hachiman have a famous Anime character created in his image?

    12. Mr. 'Hey, sleeping with this random woman while I still have a wife is totally necessary for the good of the World' Vishnu.

    13. Set. Ogoun's scary, but has he stared down Apophis?

    14. Mitra, but no one's going to be able to see due to the brightness anyway.

    15. Oya. She knows what to do with rivers.

    16. Shango, cuz he crazy.

    1. And do we have to name all our guesses now? We Deva are terrible at Prophecy!

    2. Yeah :( cause if you didnt then you would know who won! And by the end it wouldnt really be that much guessing.

      At least thats how its normally done. I also like everyone chiming in every time. So theres something to be said for that.....
      But I also like people rooting for someone the whole time.
      So Im very torn.

    3. I think just everyone guess now. And ill find a way to let those who are bad at prophecy still play later somehow ;)

    4. Fine, here's my rest:

      Elite Eight:

      1. Freya beats Chors, whose too jealous of Brisungamen to concentrate.

      2. Manannan beats Zeus, and then they bond over wife problems.

      3. Huitzilopochtli beats Ares, who asks for tips.

      4. Tezcatlipoca beats Quetzalcoatl, because he's done it before.

      5. Kali beats Ishtar, because we know what happens when Ishtar goes up against Death Goddesses.

      6. Vishnu beats Sun Wukong, because he has experience handling monkey business. Remember Hanuman?

      7. Mithra beats Set, because poor guy has bad luck with Sun Gods.

      8. This is a tough one...I'll go for Oya, but even the Shiva-Kali match will probably be calmer than this.

      Final Four:

      1. Magic vs Magic, Relics vs Relics, giants vs humans...Freya takes it.

      2. Tezcatlipoca calculates his odds of survival if Huitzilopochtli is pissed off, decides he doesn't like em. Huitz wins.

      3. Vishnu remembers a sudden foot massage appointment with Lakshmi. Kali wins by default.

      4. Mithra beats Oya, because I want to see a Deva-Yazata fight here somewhere.


      1. Freya flaunts moves. Huitzilipochtli is not impressed.

      2. Kali beats Mithra. Mithra stalks off the field muttering about damned Deevs!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Finals:

      This is it. The Big One. The God in charge of protecting the Fifth Sun vs. the Goddess whole Darkness will end the Universe.

      Strength vs Strength, Death vs Death, War vs War.

      Kali's jackals take on the hummingbirds, while their mistress starts a frontal attack. Huitzilopochtli defends valiantly with his paper armour and shield. His Sun pushes away her Darkness, but her Chaos finds chinks in his Guardian. Finally, both are exhausted, when Huitz pulls out his Obsidian Blade. He's going to bring out the Aztec secret weapon...Itztli!

      Huitz slashes at himself...the blood flows, Huitz readies himself to recieve the final burst of power with which he will end this upstart woman!


      And from out of nowhere a giant tongue comes a-lapping and devours every last drop of blood coming form Huitz's wound, who looks on dumbfounded as his own Chalchiuatl empowers his opponent, who uses this burst of Legend to do a forward dash and knock the Hummingbird of the Left out of the court! The Fifth Sun sets on the Teotl, and Kali dances her way to the trophy!

      Jai Maa Kali!!!

  4. It's on!
    Odin - He has his eye on the prize.
    Freya - Thor is easily distracted by shiny things...
    Loki - Because its Loki, convincing his opponent to score on himself.
    Zeus - The Hooves with the Moves can't beat the Bolt from Above.
    Tornassuk - The bear eats the silly little bird.
    Ares - He wins on meanness alone.
    Quetzalcoatl - This ain't like dustin' crops, boy.
    Tezcatlipoca - But we're gonna need a new arena.
    Kali - Hands/hands/hands/hands/hands/hands down.
    Ishtar - Naked crazy beats Dragon.
    Hachiman - Because he has a cool name.
    Vishnu - Reveals secret mystic Vedic basketball moves.
    Set - He just slams Ogoun with the ball.
    Ra - Displays blinding expertise. The sun IS a ball, after all...
    Oya - She could use some new luggage.
    Horus - Look at that Falcon guy go!

    More to come!

  5. Next Round!

    Freya - She's always been able to teach Odin a few things.
    Loki - Has Zeus convinced he's playing a beautiful woman - and wins by distraction.
    Ares - Teaches the Bear what wrestling really is.
    Tezcatlipoca - Beats Quetzalcoatl four Tezcs to one Coatl.
    Kali - Holds Ishtar off with one set of hands, and scores with the rest.
    Vishnu - Age and treachery over youth and skill.
    Ra - He serves Set for a change.
    Horus - His meteoric ascent continues.

    Loki - He beats Freya with trickery, as she also loves shiny things.
    Tezcatlipoca - He handily shows Ares the meaning of power.
    Kali - She Ends Vishnu.
    Ra - The Sun beats the Son.

    Coming down to the wire:

    Loki vs. Tezcatlipoca - Oh, God, I'd pay to see this one, but only from a Very. Great. Distance. In the end, the power of the Four narrowly defeats the power of the Trickster - but either way, the world's going to end.
    Ra vs. Kali - The life-giving Sun against the world-ending Darkness. Unfortunately, all the darkness in the universe can't extinguish a single candle, so Ra takes it.

    Which ends with Tezcatlipoca vs. Ra.

    And the lights go out. Forever.

    Fin. :-)

  6. Odin - He's not going to stop now.
    Freya - When both teams are giants, I'm going to place my bet on the sorceress.
    Manannan MacLír - But really, this is one of those match-up where the world loses.
    Zeus - Like Odin he isn't going to stop anytime soon!
    Huitzilopochtli - Humminbirds are so much more dedicated than bears.
    Ares - Apparently that guy's really that intimidating, beating the hero twins and all.
    Quetzalcoatl - He's just that much more witty than Freyr.
    Pele - 'Cause go Pele!
    Shiva - Because Shiva's the superior dancer!
    Ryujin - He beat her crazy sister, he can take other crazy half.
    Hachiman - Because he will take no Shenanigans from a stupid monkey.
    VIshnu - Poor Marduk will never see it coming.
    Set - Because I think he's bigger and badder (I always think Set is bigger and badder. Go Set!)
    Mithra - Because he's just that bit better at following the rules and becoming better because of it. Also, this is probably going to be the least cheaty game we'll see.
    Oya - If that crazy goddess can beat up Sekhmet, she's not going to stop because of a silly crocodile!
    Horus - Lastly, Horus, because I see him as a pretty decent sportsman... And Shango seems pretty easy to trick in the moment. Not sure he'll like the end result of tricking Shango, though. Crazy vengeance gods...

    1. Humminbirds are so much more dedicated than bears.

      We're making a wallpaper of that for geoff's player

    2. Would you mind putting that wallpaper up on the blog? it can practially only be a great sight to behold ^^

    3. So, I understand that I have to go all the way with my guesses, so here I go.

      Odin - Because Odin is going trick, smash and cheat his way to win this shit.
      Zeus - No way in hell is he going to be second to Odin.
      Huitzilopochtli - This is as far as Ares goes.
      Pele - Go Pele!
      Shiva - Although I feel abit bad for Ryujin having to endure this tournament against the horrible twins, and then getting thrown off by a weird, dancing ascetic.
      Vishnu - That guy and his cheating is just too strong.
      Set - Mithra's badass and all, but I don't think Set is going to cheat his way to the win as much as just brute-forcing like a boss.
      Oya - Horus is so gonna get his ass kicked.

    4. The Final Four:
      Odin - I think Odin and Zeus are just as dedicated and underhanded... But I also think that Odin is better at being underhanded.
      Pele - Because GO Pele!
      Vishnu - This is as far as Shiva and his badass dancing goes.
      Set - I think Set can brute-force his way through Oya.

    5. Championship Game:
      Pele - Pele is my chosen champion, she can totally go the distance!
      Vishnu - Set has no chance of brute-forcing himself through Vishnu.

  7. just so you know, this is going to take a few posts to do. Because apparently it must be at most 4000 characters. Seriously, my commentary broke the JSR blog.

    Sweet Sixteen - Side A
    ODIN vs. Chors - Athena only lost to Chors because her strategy was over-complicated and her team was a little intimidated by Grey-Eyed Athena, whereas Chors' team just had the best cheerleader in the world and were encouraged to be themselves but with a little Lasting Impression. I'm still betting that Odin's giants are going to knock them over though. Sorry Chors. (also, I'm almost certain Athena is not going to just get over her loss like that, so she's probably helping Odin's guys as much as she can.)

    FREYA vs. Thor - Thor beat Hades because his team actually showed up to the game (what happened, Hades???) - Freya's going to whoop Thor though because she the strength of the Aesir and the beauty of the Vanir and that means giants with an awesome cheerleader. And she might not be beyond changing fate a little. Thor's guys are just going to give it their all.

    Manannan mac Lir vs. LOKI - look, it should be no surprise here, I'm always going to back the Aesir in a basketball game because they're GIANTS. and Loki's probably going to cheat somehow too.

    Cernunnos vs. ZEUS - Caesar's come back to Gaul and he's about to see and conquer. (Audience Cheer: VENI VIDI VICI, VENI VIDI VICI, or perhaps AVE -clap clap- CAESAR -clap clap- AVE CAESAR -clap clap clap clap clap-)

    HUITZILOPOCHTLI vs. Tornassuk(nanuk) - Tropical vs. Arctic North America! Let us offer blood sacrifice so that Huitzilopochtli's team can carry the ball across the court...I don't think Nanuk's ready for this heat!

    Viracocha vs. ARES - not that Viracocha isn't an absolute baller and won't take down anyone, but Ares just beat the HERO TWINS. I'm fairly certain Zeus and Hera have something to do with his team winning...

    FREYR vs. Quetzalcoatl - Aesir. Giants. Beautiful, amazing coach with whom many of the players have their first sexuality questioning moment in the locker room. You get where I'm going with this.

    Pele vs. TEZCATLIPOCA - let's be honest here, Tezcatlipoca plays dirty, is a patron of war, and will probably run Pele's team out of the stadium.

    1. Alas, I have met with that character limit before!

    2. Are you gonna have ares go all the way?!

    3. This is why I couldn't keep a twitter.

      Elite Eight -

      FREYA vs. Odin - We have all, on some level, been waiting for this match, haven't we? A great contest between two sets of giants, one empowered by the greatest sorcerer in the world, the other, the greatest sorceress. But magic is woman's work, and the woman is going to have the game.

      Loki vs. ZEUS - Loki's cheating isn't going to get past Zeus, and when Loki's forced to compete in a straight contest he's not too much of a threat. Giants are great and all, but Zeus' team are the best of the best. (what did I say? Final Four AT LEAST.)

      HUITZILOPOCHTLI vs. Ares - I firmly believe Huitzilopochtli's Sun Eagle Warriors will put that boy in his place.

      Freyr vs. TEZCATLIPOCA - Freyr's not going to fair as well as his sister did. He may be handsome and have giants, but Tezcatlipoca is tricky, a sorcerer, AND knows how to strategize, and in the end that's going to get him the victory.

      Kali vs. ISHTAR - whoever wins, we lose.

      Hachiman vs. VISHNU - Both the great warriors show their might in basketball - Vishnu will win. The Devas will rejoice (not like they didn't expect it.)

      Ogoun vs. MITHRA - Ogoun will ball really hard and put up a damn good fight, but Mithra's team is just better prepared and way more connected. They're just going to put more points on the board in the end.

      OYA vs. Horus - Oya is an expert at uprooting courts already, why not a Royal one?

    4. DAMN I literally wrote up the rest in one post and then the page refreshed. Damn.

      FINAL FOUR -

      FREYA vs. Zeus - I know I said Zeus would make it to the Final Four, but I just can't see Zeus' team - best in the world as they are - getting past Freya's magical, appearance-boosted giants. I can't even see ZEUS getting past Freya's appearance. He's definitely getting her number after the game.

      HUITZILOPOCHTLI vs. Tezcatlipoca - Home Game! Eagle Warriors vs. Jaguar Warriors! Mexican Flags EVERYWHERE! (maybe this match would be better suited if it were soccer...) I'm going to bet Huitzilopochtli's guys win though, just like Daniel-san beat that Cobra asshole in 'The Karate Kid.'

      Ishtar vs. VISHNU - Ishtar's gotten pretty far by just winging it, but Vishnu has a holy destiny here and his pure skill and compassion for his teammates will win the day. Om Namo Narayana.

      MITHRA vs. Oya - Mithra's discipline and good teamwork will finally put Oya's team down. The stadium's landlords are grateful there will be no more uprooted courts.


      FREYA vs. Huitzilopochtli - How ironic that my first guess was that Huitzilopochtli would beat Hera because 'he has Sun Eagle Warriors' because he's going to lose to Freya because 'she has magical, appearance-boosted giants.' It really is as simple as that.

      VISHNU vs. Mithra - This is about as close to 'rival schools' as you're going to get in a tournament among pantheons. The fans are going to be particularly nasty in this one, I figure. The Yazata side of the stadium is going to be screaming for Mithra's team to put an end to the LIES AND SLANDER of the wicked Daeva team (who were probably on steroids the whole time, or have an actual God in the game, or something equally despicable!) and the Deva side will be chanting on Vishnu's team to wipe the Asura team from the Tournament. Vishnu will win, of course.

      CHAMPION -

      Freya vs. VISHNU - I literally flipped a coin for this one, leaving it in the Hands of Fate (as any championship game between Gods should be.) Vishnu's holy destiny will be the deciding factor against Freya's unbeatable magic giants. Lakshmi also probably had something to do with it. Either way, when Vishnu himself lands the final slam dunk right before the buzzer, the camera will focus on the fans and team's faces one by one while dramatic music plays.

  8. Sweet Sixteen - Side B

    Shiva vs. KALI - the universe going to survive this game??

    ISHTAR vs. Ryujin - I don't know how most college basketball teams take to being coached by a Sea Dragon (probably pretty positively) but I'm going to bet they're going to like being coached by Ishtar better. Ishtar doesn't even need to know anything about Basketball, she'll wing it and it'll be awesome. Also, I get the feeling Ryujin's valor will make him a pretty good sport, but Ishtar...

    HACHIMAN vs. Sun Wukong - the difference between a soldier and a warrior is discipline. Hachiman plays with valor, Sun Wukong only for himself. Like a furiously growing weed facing a pair of steady shears, Sun Wukong will be cut away from this tournament. (

    VISHNU vs. Marduk - When the great demon king Ravana threatened to overwhelm the world, Vishnu became the warrior Rama and fought him long and hard, finally defeating him. When demons overran the earth, Vishnu became the revered Krishna and defeated them for an entire lifetime, also spreading the teachings of the Deva as he went. And when the Gods competed in the 2014 NCAA Tournament, Vishnu became the greatest basketball player in the world and led his team to victory.

    Set vs. OGOUN - Ogoun is going to ride the greatest player of his team and avenge Oshosi, and Set's probably the WORST team coach/manager, being a complete control freak over everything they do. In the end it's all going to come down to Set's poor maintenance, and Ogoun's direct influence on the game. (People always cheat to beat Set.)

    Ra vs. MITHRA - The battle of the suns! Both are wise and all-seeing, but Mithra is an athlete himself and is a God of Fraternity and working together, and will bring his team together as no other team will, proving courageous, loyal, and virtuous (no steroid use here!)

    OYA vs. Sobek - Mighty Oya is going to uproot this whole damn court she is going to ball so hard.

    HORUS vs. Shango - in the great Pan-African Pantheon show down, Horus is going to be the only victor from his Pantheon. Shango's balling may be sick, but Horus has already beat one arrogant, overconfident, blustering African King, and the Upper and Lower Mezzanine are both united in rooting for the Pharaoh.

  9. Mats post from the other page so I dont forget

    Odin beats Chors

    Loki beats Mannanan

    Ares beats Viracocha

    Tezcat beats Pele

    Ishtar beats Ryujin

    Vishnu beats Marduk

    Ra beats Mithra

    Horus beats Shango

    And as much as I hate it but I'm gonna call it and say that the All-Father takes the whole thing.

  10. First set:

    Odin beats Chors, because this time she's up against someone who knows from shenanigans.
    Freya beats Thor, because she can probably just switch his brain off.
    Manannan mac Lir beats Loki, but either way it's probably rigged.
    Zeus beats Cernunnos through sheer force of will.
    Huitzilopochtli beats Tornarssuk, because lol bears.
    Viracocha beats Ares, who I have no idea why is even in this tournament at this stage.
    Quetzalcoatl beats Freyr, who is not equipped to deal with his tomfoolery.
    Tezcatlipoca beats Pele, and then they probably make out and blow everything up.
    Kali beats Shiva, because that's established fact.
    Ishtar beats Ryujin, because dragons are not meant for puny human sports.
    Hachiman beats Sun Wukong with regimented fanciness.
    Vishnu beats Marduk but they end up best friends afterward anyway.
    Ogun beats Set, but it's really close.
    Mithra beats Ra with the power of truthiness.
    Oya beats Sobek, who probably has no idea what to do now that he won one game and everyone is shouting at him.
    Horus beats Shango; this looks awfully familiar...

    Second set:

    Odin beats Freya because when it comes to Vanir there is no cheat too dastardly.
    Manannan mac Lir beats Zeus, but probably while allowing Zeus to think he won instead.
    Huitzilopochtli beats Viracocha and sparks a pan-American cross-continental war.
    Quetzalcoatl beats Tezcatlipoca, but only because it's his turn.
    Kali beats Ishtar, who doesn't have quite the same chutzpah when push comes to shove.
    Vishnu beats Hachiman, but everyone is very civilized about it.
    Mithra beats Ogun, of whom he deeply disapproves.
    Horus beats Oya... man he keeps getting that familiar match, doesn't he?

    Third set:

    Odin beats Manannan mac Lir through sheer battle fury.
    Huitzilopochtli beats Quetzalcoatl, because that's history for you.
    Kali beats Vishnu, who may or may not know better than to even show up.
    Mithra beats Horus, who is crippled without his normal misbehavior tactics.

    Set 4:

    Huitzilopochtli beats Odin, because history demands redemption.
    Kali beats Mithra, who shakes his fist at her deplorable daeva tactics.

    And I'll go ahead and call Kali to win, although I'm SUPER torn about that one.

  11. Round 2:
    Odin, Freya, Loki (i told you i'm sticking with this guy), Zeus, Huitzilopochtli, Ares, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Shiva (he won the last dance-off), Ishtar, Sun Wukong, Marduk, Set, Ra, Oya, Shango,
    Round 3:
    Freya, Loki (i believe Loki, go beat up Zeus!), Huitzilopochtli, Tezcatlipoca (though, i'm kinda not looking forward to these brothers fighting, i remember the amount of worlds they've ended...), Shiva, Marduk, Ra (Set is too loyal to this guy to actually beat him), Oya,
    Round 3:
    Loki (you can cheat Freya, i believe!), Huitzilopochtli (I believe it will be a close fight, but he can pull it off), Shiva, Oya (Ra could not tame Sekhmet alone, and he wont tame Oya),
    Round 4, semi-finals:
    Loki (Stuck with you this far buddy! you can go the distance!), Shiva (if anyone can tame Oya, he can)
    Round 5, The Grand Finals:
    Okay, i've stuck with Loki this far, but Shiva would be hard competition, though i'll Trust in my favourite team! GO LOKI!!!

    1. Sweet Sixteen
      1. Odin
      2. Freya
      3. Loki
      4. Zeus
      5. Huitz
      6. Ares
      7. Quetzalcoatl
      8. Tezcat
      9. Shiva
      10. Ishtar
      11. Sun Wukong
      12. Marduk
      13. Set
      14. Ra
      15. Oya
      16. Shango

      Elite Eight
      1. Freya
      2. Loki
      3. Huitz
      4. Tezcat
      5. Shiva
      6. Marduk
      7. Ra
      8. Oya

      Final Four
      1. Loki
      2. Huitz
      3. Shiva
      4. Oya

      Championship Game
      1. Loki
      2. Shiva

      1. Loki

      I didn't read any comments before posting mine, but here's the cleanlier version with John's template

    2. He saw my post! He did it on purpose to troll me!!! LOKIIII!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Sweet Sixteen
    1. Odin
    2. Thor
    3. Loki
    4. Zeus
    5. Tornassuk
    6. Ares
    7. Freyr
    8. Pele
    9. Shiva
    10. Ishtar
    11. Haciman
    12. Marduk
    13. Set
    14. Ra
    15. Sobek
    16. Shango

    Elite Eight
    1. Odin
    2. Zeus
    3. Ares
    4. Pele
    5. Ishtar
    6. Marduk
    7. Set
    8. Shango

    Final Four
    1. Zeus
    2. Ares
    3. Marduk
    4. Set

    Championship Game
    1. Ares (Really looking forward to a Zeus vs Ares. Fate demands it!)
    2. Marduk

    1. Ares

    1. Also the Egyptian Teams should all be playing this as their introduction.

  13. Sweet Sixteen:
    Odin, Thor, Manannan, Cernunnos, Huitzilopochtli, Viracocha, Freyr, Tezcatlipoca, Shiva, Ishtar, Sun Wukong, Marduk, Set, Ra, Oya, Shango.

    Elite Eight:
    Thor, Manannan, Viracocha, Tezcatlipoca, Ishtar, Sun Wukong, Ra, Shango.

    Final Four:
    Thor, Tezcatlipoca, Sun Wukong, Shango

    Championship Game:
    Thor, Shango.


  14. First Sixteen
    1. Odin: Poor Chors can't stand up to Odin.
    2. Freya: Chosing Thor's team to be slain. Accidentally, of course.
    3. Manannan: More Relics, buckets of Relics, Relics for everyone!
    4. Zeus: Totally using Sky to assist his team, and Justice to make it totally-not-cheating. But only when he does it.
    5. Huitzilopochtli: Hey, it's easier then Star Demons. And if the team loses, he's going to make them wish they were just butterflies.
    6. Ares: Yelling at his problems and hoping the nets are not more traps of Hephestus'.
    7. Quetzalcoatl: Stole the water of Freyr's team, and now everyone's super thirsty.
    8. Tezcatlipoca: Probably cheating.
    9. Shiva: Distracting his wife from the game.
    10. Ishtar: Itty bitty dragon arms are not conducive to basketball.
    11. Sun Wukong: Is literally made for this sport. He can dunk from half a world away.
    12. Marduk: Marduk is Best. As so he says. Frequently.
    13. Set: Best defence ever. Although he was told he can't use his giant bloody spear.
    14. Mithra: Fair play, and a good defence make everyone have a nice game.
    15. Oya: Sobek has gotten a bit cold and is now lazying about in the sun.
    16. Horus: Cheating, cheating, cheating, everywhere.

    Second Eight
    1. Odin: Freya didn't get him this time.
    2. Manannan: Court was filled with fog and phantom war ships. Made it a bit difficult to play for Zeus' team.
    3. Huitzilopochtli: Out yelled Ares and threatened his team more.
    4. Tezcatlipoca: Swatting those balls away like he swatted the sun out of the sky.
    5. Ishtar: Has made BFFs with Kali, and Shiva had to forfit to go check on who was causing the earthquake on the Sub-Continant.
    6. Sun Wukong: The team is made of immortal monkeys, who may or may not all be Sun Wukong.
    7. Mithra: More fair play makes a lovely, but boring game.
    8. Horus: So much cheating, God Damn.

    Final Four
    1. Manannan: Oh, look, more Birthrights. Better give the whole team even more.
    2. Tezcatlipoca: Jaguar Warriors beat out the Eagle Warriors.
    3. Sun Wukong: His net keeps getting taller every time someone gets close to it. How strange and entirely not suspicious.
    4. Horus: It's, like, 200% cheating up in here.

    1. Manannan: Relics for you, and you, and everyone gets Relics! Except you, other team.
    2. Sun Wukong: Tried to seduce Isis on the sidelines and got Horus distracted. He insists it was intentional.

    1. Sun Wukong: Best fun he has had in years. Now to go steal something important.

  15. Sweet Sixteen
    Chors: Feel like she's gonna be the surprising underdog
    Freya: Because Thor's smashing will only get him so far
    Mannanan: Water beats fire
    Huitzilipochtli is leading his people to victory
    Kali: This would be crazy to see, with two married destructive devas going head to head
    Ishtar: Avenging her sister that she doesn't even really like anyway
    Mithra: Both sun related, but Ra's old hat, and it's time for Mithra to... shine

    Elite Eight:

    Final Four:

    Mannnan's psychopomp boons are gonna send Huitz back to his mama's house

    And then I'm gonna say that Vishnu takes it all

  16. Hmmm...

    Chors beats Odin for another upset. Jaws drop
    Freya flashes Thor, he goes down hard
    Loki vs. Mannan... hard to say, but I'll go with Loki
    Zeus beats Cernunnos, typical
    Nanuk beats Huitz as polar bears vs. hummingbirds is a weird battle
    Viracocha beats Ares, because War's called on account of pachakuti
    Quetzalcoatl runs rings around Freyr because wits beats pretty
    Tezcatlipoca wins against Pele, because he's Tez
    Kali beats Shiva. What other outcome could there be?
    Sun Wukong

    Can I wait to guess the others?

    1. All right then...

      Next round...

      Mannan mac Lir

  17. Sweet Sixteen
    1) Odin
    2) Thor
    3) Manannan – They both rig the game, but even Loki’s wits are no match against Manannan’s armory of relics. Besides, Loki has ~*~other plans~*~.
    4) Cernunnos – Finally, the Universe is aligned, and this is only the beginning of the revenge of which the Nemetondevos have long whispered.
    5) Nanuk
    6) Ares
    7) Quetzalcoatl
    8) Tezcatlipoca
    9) Shiva – If the game starts going against him, he turns into a baby and cries until Kali forgets the game.
    10) Ryujin – Sorry, Mario, but your princess is in another dragon.
    11) Sun Wukong
    12) Marduk
    13) Ogoun
    14) Mithra
    15) Sobek
    16) Shango

    Elite Eight
    1) Odin – Well done, Thor. Now go throw the game, so you don’t disappoint dear old Daddy.
    2) Cernunnos – Sorry, mac Lir, but you’ve met your fate-weaving match. At least you still have your toys.
    3) Ares – Giant bear, God of War. Giant bear, God of War. Probably a bloody, bloody fight, but Ares comes out on top.
    4) Tezcatlipoca – It may be Quetz’ turn, but Tezcat’s a bigger cheater.
    5) Shiva – But, for the rest of his life, Ryujin can’t figure out how a tiny scarecrow of a man bested him.
    7) Ogoun – Though Mithra tries to play rules lawyer, Ogoun’s battle fever wins the game.
    8) Shango – Thunderstorms + Nile River = Deep fried crocodile.

    Final Four
    1) Odin – Though, Cernunnos’ followers are already whispering about the next time the universe will align.
    2) Ares – Tezcat can throw up as much smoke and mirrors as he wants, but it only takes one spear hit to lay him low.
    4) Shango – I just hope Jioni is there with all of the chicken steaks to calm them both down.

    Championship Game
    1) Odin – Ares has apparently forgotten about the game.


    1. *Odin remains behind on the field, just long enough to be declared Champion. Then, mentally preparing his "Only YOU can help prevent Ragnarok" speech, he follows Marduk.*

    2. there is no ragnarok, basketball prevented it!

    3. Sorry, Mario, but your princess is in another dragon.

    4. Those Marduk comments are wonderful!

  18. Hate to be that guy but there has been a huge oversight when assigning God's to coach NCAA basketball teams...... Really, Ryujin is coaching the SDSU Aztecs? just teasing..... keep up the good work!

    1. Haha! theres actually a team called the aztecs? I didnt even think of mascots

  19. Sweet Sixteen
    1. Odin
    2. Thor
    3. Manannan
    4. Zeus
    5. Huitz
    6. Ares
    7. Quetz
    8. Tezcat
    9. Shiva
    10. Ishtar
    11. Sun Wukong
    12. Marduk
    13. Set
    14. Mithra
    15. Sobek
    16. Horus

    Elite Eight
    1. Odin
    2. Manannan
    3. Huitz
    4. Quetz
    5. Shiva
    6. Sun WuKong
    7. Mithra
    8. Horus

    Final Four
    1. Odin
    2. Huitz
    3. Shiva
    4. Mithra

    Championship Game
    1. Odin
    2. Mithra

    1. Odin

  20. Replace Manannan with Loki, and replace Mithra with Ra. (To go with my old post that I didn't look at before posting this!)

  21. It's okay, when your favourite leavess the contest you'll just have to pick up another team. And with Shiva being so awesome, he's my new favourite to become the champion!

  22. Now that the next round is over, are we locked into our previous choices?
