Saturday, March 31, 2012

Baby Boomers

Quote: Since y'all have House Ruled everything ELSE to be More Awesomer, have you changed how the process of obtaining your own Favored Abilities and Associated Powers works when the PCs become Gods?

Yes, we have! As you can see from our PC god pages, some of them already have a few things associated to pass down to their children, and their character sheets have already departed from their parents' setups. It goes like this:

When a PC gets to god, they'll get their six highest Purviews or Epic Attributes associated. If they had more than that from their parent, they lose the extra. Similarly, their favored Abilities are now their six highest ones, regardless of what they originally had from their parent. If they have more than six tied for highest, they can choose which ones they want associated (but once chosen, those are "locked in" and can't be changed later unless they go up in Legend and that thing is no longer among their highest). Favored Abilities automatically pass down if the new god makes their own Scion, but Purviews and Epic Attributes are only associated in the sense that the PC gets the XP discount for buying them, not in the sense that they are passed down to children of their own just yet. That comes later.

As for Scions of their own, a PC who is hitting god chooses one Epic Attribute or Purview that they want to get the maximum level in first; that becomes associated with them for purposes of their children. Every god, even brand new at Legend 9, therefore starts with the ability to grant at least one thing to a Scion if they want to make one. After that, when they go up to Legend 10 they get to add another maximum Epic Attribute or Purview to become associated for children (if they have more than one available, their Fatebonds may have a say in which one it is), and they do so again at Legend 11. When they hit Legend 12, they don't get one for free, but they now have the ability to gain anything associated with them as long as they purchase its Avatar or Ultimate.

So every god at Legend 12 automatically has three associated Purviews or Epic Attributes, with the ability to gain more as they buy Ultimates and Avatars. (This is also a useful benchmark for figuring out Legend ratings of minor gods on the fly - if they don't have more than two things associated, well, they're probably Legend 10, then). This allows even new god-PCs to start getting in on the Scion game on their own if they want to, creating potentially useful or powerful Scions without having to hand them over to a higher-Legend god. Our PCs haven't done so yet, but I suspect some of them will soon (my bet is on Sowiljr to take the first plunge).

We've mentioned it before in other posts, but it bears repeating: Epic Attributes are not automatically associated with you at eight dots in our game, but require you to get the Ultimate, just as you need the Avatar for a purview. Since you're getting some Purviews associated with you at lower Legend ratings anyway, there's no need to lower the threshold on Epic Attributes just to give PCs something to pass down to their children, and at any rate we never liked the system. Gods tend to mythically be much more often associated with Purviews than with Epic Attributes anyway, and it didn't make sense for the one to be so much easier to get than the other.


  1. Couple things that anne only got partially right because she has only been through as a player for God. So completely not her fault for not knowing.

    Legend 9 gods can only choose a purview, not an attribute to pass onto their children(its also the purview I allow them to get their 8th dot for free at god).

    But the "points" characters get for the god template is also much different from the book. Maybe thats a post for another day(its very complicated...cause Im me).

    Also, a legend 9 god does not automatically change all their associateds to their highest ones. Although it is often the case because the characters often have several associateds maxed that were associated for them at hero.

    The shortest way of explaining it is that at legend 9, they lose two associateds and then gain one associated that is their highest attribute or purview that is not already associated.
    If that doesnt quite make sense I can probably help with some examples.

    1. This is what I get for answering questions when you're not home.

    2. Eh. You're answering a question now while Im home and Im not helping at all.

    3. That is true.

      You're the worst.

  2. I'm glad you answered this question, I was hoping to see y'all's system since my own players have been starting to ask about what happens when they become Gods.

    At the moment, I'm just giving them 2 Associated Powers (Attribute or Purview, their choice) at Legend 9, then one more each time they advance in Legend. If they want more, they have to buy Ultimates or Avatars.

    The biggest concern that some of my players have expressed is they feel like they'll be getting 'nerfed' when they hit God because they'll lose the (in some cases) massive number of Associated Powers their parents have and being chopped down to just the very few they can manage on their own.

    I do agree with them, it is kinda a nerf, but I think it works on some level; it represents them stepping out and standing on their own feet as a deity.

  3. Its sort of a nerf. But explain that its easily overcome by the many free stuff they'll get at god. And since they probably have high associateds anyway, they're probably only saving 8-12 xp per legend by having it associated or unnassociated.

    For example. Sverir loses fire and water associated when he hits god(he didnt). There is only 1 level 8 boon for those. So he only lost 8 xp per purview to buy that if he wanted. He also got a handful of free epics totally around 150 xp. So it shouldnt be something to be complained about.

    If they had something low that was associated and they planned on buying it up all're horrible at it, its obviously not associated with them as gods.
