Monday, April 28, 2014

Hades had work to do this evening!

Intense, long, stressful awesome game tonight.  Thanks to players for being awesome and making decisions that cause stuff to happen :)

Was fun talking about water all weekend, but definitely ready to move on.  Big announcement coming on the first, so keep an eye out.


  1. I was absolutely furious with Game of Thrones last week. What the director made Jaime do completely ruined his redemption arc. That shit does not happen in the books. And now we are supposed to care about his feelings this week?

  2. Just starting watching this weeks ep now. I agree that I dont like the jaime change at all....but by the 4th season Im very willing to allow a little artistic leeway in the hopes that it might get to an even better place. But Im not certain...and I do SO hate the scene from last week.

  3. Is anyone legend 12 yet? I'd think at least Eztli should qualify after killing freaking Apep

    1. No, but Eztli would totally agree with you.

    2. although eztli disagrees. happening to have the final hit before something goes unconscious is not quite the same as killing it

    3. Still not an accomplishment to be sneered at. Putting the cherry on top of an Apep-beating sundae is still pretty cool.

    4. I work with the info I have.

      Still, the god band has done a whole helluva lot so far. What's a God gotta do to reach Legend 12 around here?

    5. I think they'd agree that they havnt done all that much.

    6. The answer to that is apparently: More! :)

  4. A more detailed answer would likely be that they need to finish up some of the stuff we see on the Twitter, re-establish the Aesir, fix-Fate so Magic stops being a pain in the ass, or any of a number of irons in the fire.
    All the biggest gods have big success stories too, so that's likely the tipping point.
    Plus, Legend 12 dosen't mean you're done (might for that game though) leaders and powerful types in pantheons just gotta shovel more in the big war that does still seem to be ongoing.

    1. someone is a very skilled twitter follower.

    2. Well. I don't have a life and I'm an Evil GM, so... I just figured that's what I'd do. You seem to be the type to make the brass ring very hard to grab, but worth going for.

      The journey looks like a lot of fun and a lot more trouble, so the destination has to be worth the hassle, right?

    3. Anything worth earning has to be difficult and no good story is easy.

    4. Maybe I typed incorrectly. I agree with you.
      All the best games and stories put the protagonists through hell. First few games I ever ran, back when it was just "AD&D" no 2nd 3rd etc. were a bit too easy and they sucked. Hard. :)

      Your games look like a blast, PC torture is usually a prime ingredient to good games I've found. :)
