Monday, February 17, 2014

Game updates(kinda)

Recently there have been some great tweets lately. So if you want to know whats going on in game check them out. Some people dont tweet as much...if you bother them and tell them you'd enjoy it though, they probably would.

Also, we have a rare video'd glimpse of geoff and sangria talking. Sangria has been blessed with momentary intelligence and charisma....and so for the first time in a long time, they were able to have a normal conversation.

Thanks to amy for videoing.

Sangria was just told that her relationship with Geoff is incestuous; Geoff is mightily confused about how she thinks that's even remotely possible.


  1. Anne. Fix that link for me in the morning :) Thanks I love you.

  2. That video made my day, and it got made since then a couple of times by the tweets, as happens every time you guy's tweet.
    I'd love to hear what the other characters in your games are up to, or think about a situation in small tweets ;)
    Ohh and poor everyone in the kingsmoot.... Except The Jade Emperor, that quitter!

    1. I'm pretty sure nothing for last night topped Geoff's offended, "Don't you tell me to get back in the kitchen!"

    2. i think my favourite update was a combination of two.
      ''Oh, hi, Svarozhich. Yes, you do in fact have an enormous tree. #StrangerDanger #ThinIce''
      ''Oh, hi, Marduk. Your robe is open. That's your penis. #ThinIce''
      reading one after another made me giggle very immaturely, which i usually find enjoyable (you know, when not in the middle of overly mature people or at important meetings).

    3. Apparently, being in the middle of a bunch of kings who all want to prove they're the manliest is leading to Sangria dealing with a lot more weirdness than usual.

      Luckily she isn't impressed, but Geoff is getting cranky about it.

    4. I would too, in his shoes, even if my wife usually only has positive appearance when i pop Engender Love on her.
      though i hear Sangria suddently understands politics very deeply? How many dots did you buy to get above Geoff?

    5. Sangria went from 0 to 9 dots of Politics yesterday, in one fell swoop. It wasn't actually primarily for Geoff - rather, she's been completing some tasks for Marduk lately and he practically ordered her to learn Politics because she was driving him crazy. Through some magical manipulation, she currently thinks Marduk is a Tezcatlipoca, and Sangria does what Tezcatlipocas tell her to do... so Politics it is.

      She's awful at it because of all the negative Fatebonds - can't make a Cha + Pol or Int + Pol or Per + Pol roll to save her life, most of the time. But she's got that rad Wits + Pol, so she may not have any idea what's going on but she knows the exact moment to kick Geoff in the ankle so he doesn't say anything stupid.

    6. "Through some magical manipulation, she currently thinks Marduk is a Tezcatlipoca, and Sangria does what Tezcatlipocas tell her to do... so Politics it is."

      Love it.

      Also love Marduk essentially lying his ass off about inter-pantheon family trees leading to stuff like this.

    7. Marduk is pretty much the best. I think that everyone thinks that. Maybe Im wrong.....

    8. I agree with John. Mardouk is winning at politics right now.

  3. We need more of these! It's great to finally have an image to go along with the teasing tweets.

    Also, why does it not surprise me that Vishnu is up to his usual 'I will be a mysterious brat and you will all love me for it routine'?

    1. He did... something to everybody's powers. But nobody knows what and nobody knows he did it except Geoff, and he said, "Shh, don't tell anybody, it's a secret."

      So he's totally not up to anything.

  4. Poor Geoff being told to get back in the kitchen hahaha. Also just saw the soup on fire video, oh my god, I can't stop laughing.

    1. The Illusion Titanrealm is the straight-up worst.
