Friday, October 19, 2012

Alpha Dog of the Week

Why John's Scion Resources?  What about Anne?  Why isn't she mentioned in the title?  J&ASR?  A&JSR?  

Who are you anonymous person?  Are you a lady?  Are you a welshman?  You ask questions like a welshman.  There is a Stelara commercial on the television.  Do you take Stelara?

Question asker, I'm a big mean ogre.  I'd say that I keep anne locked up writing in a cage, but thats not true, because I need to send her out in the cold in order to work to buy me food.  I enjoy entire legs of lamb or a keg of beer per meal.

But really I dont have an answer for you.  We started it a long time ago when it was just me doing a lot of the work and anne was mostly writing and working on the site itself.  Then she started the blog and the new pantheon pdfs and the everything.  I dont know how to answer this really, but anne is making me.
I'll break it down.

Why John's Scion Resources?
Cause I started it and Im John.

What about Anne?
Shes awesome.  She does a lot of work.  She writes most of the blogs with input from me.  What about her?

Why isnt she mentioned in the title?
Explained above.

I think both of those look less good.

If I was starting from scratch and wanted us both to get recognition I'd probably change it to some sort of team name.  Like "Titanic Scion Resources" or something.  Both names make it have too many words.

But its already there, and it is what it is.

Also anne is scared of recognition for things.  


  1. I'll second that... Anne is, in fact, scared of recognition of things.

  2. I call it Gotham By Night or GBN. Everyone I know calls it Gotham By Night or GBN. The Scion forums usually call you Gotham By Night or GBN. I really only hear it called JSR on this blog.

  3. It should be called John's Scary, Titanic Online Resource. It'll confuse people when you tell them where you got your house rules.

    1. If if ever comes down to a vote, this is the one I'm backing.

  4. John&Anne's Discount God Emporium...and Smoothie Bar.
